Casco or Osago?

Casco or Osago?

The term "insurance" is inextricably linked for modern drivers with their own car. Not long ago, the whole responsibility for the incident on the road was fully lying on the drivers themselves. Now the situation in the root changed, insurance companies cover the risk of an accident in most part. And it is very profitable for car drivers and for insurance companies. In the Russian Federation there are two types of insurance: voluntary (CASCO) and compulsory (OSAGO), complementing each other.

Osago means "mandatory insurance of autocarted responsibility." The first difference between the CASCO and the OSAGO is as follows: all documents are issued by the car owner and insurer, tariff rates establishes the state in case of mandatory insurance. That is, as an option, the Insurer is directly the state, and as a CASCO, the insurer is the selected insurance company.

The second difference between the two types of insurance is the inspection object itself. For the OSAgo, the insurance object is reflected in the title "AUTOMPANSKAYA RESPONSIBILITY", in the event of an accident, the Insurer reimburses the damage not to the owner of the car insured by him, but to someone who suffered from his neat driving. So you are insure yourself, more precisely your money, and not a car.

With the insurance option, CASCO damage is reimbursed and the owner of the insurance policy, if its motor vehicle suffered into an accident. The company makes the repair of your car, regardless of your guilt or not guilt in the accident. You will ensure the compensation of the cost of the car, if it has completely accumulated as a result of an accident.

The next difference is hidden in the rules for designing the insurance policy. If the insurance is mandatory, then you can arrange one of the three possible types of policy:

  • To a specific car indicated during insurance and any driver with the right to control it;
  • On a particular driver and any car managed by him;
  • On a certain car and a group of drivers with the right to control them.

Voluntary insurance is always tied to one specific motor vehicle, the number of drivers is one or a group of persons.

Another difference is "pricing." Casco is much more expensive than Osago. The cost of the policy is based on various aspects, despite the fact that it is not established by the associated organizations. The insurance company undertakes to reimburse the damage in the main cases: damage from the accident, the hijacking of the car. When choosing an OSAO option, this cost is fixed. It depends on the driver's experience, the age of the car, the volume of its engine.

With voluntary insurance, you yourself decide what it is to include in the insurance program, you choose all the necessary options themselves. The cost of insurance may vary widely. From the options you choose dependes except these basic, even additional services. For example, the evacuation of the car, your support in the event of legal disputes, help on the road and other types of services.

Because CASCO's voluntary insurance is not mandatory, his absence is not an offense, a fine is not provided for this. At the same time, overdue compulsory insurance or its absence is a serious administrative offense, entailing a penalty for money fine.


From here we conclude: it is impossible to say exactly that it is better for Osago or Casco, these are two types of insurance that complement each other. Given the statistics of an accident, it is good to think about what to include in the terms of voluntary insurance, which insurance cases describe how to be compensable. On all the questions that arise you will be answered by the insurance company consultants.

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