How to get foreign rights

How to get foreign rights

Drivers who are going to use their vehicles abroad during holidays or business trip may have some questions about obtaining an international driver's license. According to the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, in 68 countries of the world, you can easily manage a car, having only Russian driver's license issued after March 1, 2011. However, those who use the driver's license received before March 1, 2011, or gathering to travel to countries that have not signed the Vienna Convention, international driving license will be required.

The following documents are required to obtain an international driver's license:

  • statement;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • a document confirming registration at the place of residence or at the place of stay;
  • medical certificate;
  • driver's license;
  • photo 3.5x4.5 (except for cases of automated manufacture of driver's licenses in the State Inspectorate);
  • passport and photocopy of his first page;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Having gathered the documents listed above, they should be attributed to the traffic police at the place of residence or registration. Not every department of traffic police is engaged in issuing international driver's licenses. It is advised to call and clarify this question. Documents on foreign rights can be submitted not every day, for this, certain days are assigned, therefore it is recommended to clarify this information.

The state duty for issuing an international driver's license is 1000 rubles. When paying duty in the departments of the bank located on the territory of the traffic police, it is necessary to test the amount written in the receipt, because Cashiers are often mistaken, automatically entering the amount for the issuance of the Russian driver's license (800 rubles).

The term of the international driver's license is 3 years. For this period, international rights will be issued if national rights were issued recently, or their validity period is 3 years or more. If, before the expiration of the Russian driver's license, a year or two remained, then international rights will be issued for the same period.

To replace international driver's license, you need to assemble the same documents that were provided with their first extradition. You can change right before or after their expiration, no penalties for this are not provided for.

Because International driver's licenses cannot be obtained, without giving the national driver's license, then the car without national rights in the territory of another state will not work.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is possible to go driving with a certificate of international sample only if there are a Russian driver's license. The traffic police should not make international rights. For the management of the car only with international rights, a fine of 500 rubles and the prohibition of the operation of the vehicle is provided.

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