How to smoothly release clutch

How to smoothly release clutch

For a beginner in the driving of the car, one of the most difficult tasks - smoothly move from the scene. This action requires the coherence of thoughts and muscles. A sharp pressing or releasing pedals leads to a car jerk, which brings discomfort to the driver and passengers, and also spoil the car. How to touch the place smoothly?

First you need to take the right position, the spin is smooth, the knees are bent, only the feet works with the pedal. It is important to be the leg that you press the clutch pedal was on weight. This allows you to regulate the degree of prescription pedal. Shoes need to wear comfortable, soft, without a large heel. The driver must be calm and confident in his actions. The novice driver is better not to distract during the start of the car, he must hear the moment of "capture" clutch and not to miss it by pressing gas.

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Fasten, correct the mirrors. Make sure nothing prevents the car's movement. The clutch pedal is screwed into the floor, the car is removed from the handbrake, the gear shift lever is put on the first transmission, the right foot is added gas and the clutch is released at the same time. If the grip is released earlier than the car will be rotated, it will stall. If the clutch "reap" - the slip will go.

Pay attention to the tachometer: when the engine speed reaches up to 1500 rpm, the clutch pedal is released, and gas is added. Find a calm small section of the road nearby, you can at home in the yard, and take advantage of tachometer start. We moved badly - stop the car, muffle the engine and go through two minutes, then try again. Through 10 training, you are most likely able to navigate and identify this right time.

Each driver has its own secret of smooth driving, depending on the peculiarities of the machine, its manufacturer, the driver's temperament, and, of course, the driver's experience. At first, this task may seem difficulty, but believe me, it will be easy with experience, and you will not even think when touching from the place.

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