Each owner of the car, which has a hydraulic drive, faced such a problem as a seeding of clutch. This malfunction leads to a number of undesirable consequences, starting by poor transmission operation and ending with the failure of the clutch, an accident and a fatal outcome. In this article we will try to describe the methods of solving this problem.
Let's start with the preparatory stage to the so-called clutch pumping. First you need to take care of safety, putting rubber gloves on your arms, because we will deal with brake fluid for clutch, and it quickly corps the skin.
Then we look into the expansion tank and look at what level there is a local fluid, if it is on the mark, then everything is fine, if not, correct it, topping the required quantity. After we take a small capacity and pour the working brake fluid for clutch there, and it must be strictly recommended by the manufacturer of the car, otherwise all this case threatens the swelling of the rubberized parts of the entire clutch system and its refusal. We unscrew the cap on the valve for the release of the cylinder air, first cleaning the dirt, and we put the rubber cord on its rod. Then immerse this cord into our container with brake fluid, so that it is calmly immersed for several centimeters.
When pumping a clutch, it is convenient to work with the assistant. We sit behind the steering wheel and slow movements click on the clutch pedal with the press interval up to 2-3 seconds. After several clicks, we ask our helper to unscrew the valve for air output, but not completely, but somewhere half or 3/4. At that moment, when the assistant unscrews the valve, the pedal must be squeezed. Under pressure, the fluid will begin to leave the system together with air, it is accompanied by an increase in the level in our capacity and the appearance of bubbles. At the same time, the clutch pedal must be lowered until it stops when it stops, we give the second signal to our assistant - so that it closes the valve. This procedure should be repeated several times. Actually this is called pumping, differently - the reassembly of air.
All of the above can serve as the main method of correcting this ailment, however, in practice there are always nuances that will be hampered. The most common of them are the lack of an assistant. Pumping may be needed at any time, and it can happen that there will be no one else. This is not such a problem. In the entire procedure that was described, after manipulations with a pedal, you need to fix it in a squeezed position by any subject of sufficient mass and perform the effect itself with unscrewing and twisting the valve. The second common problem is the absence of bubbles in the working capacity. If you observe such a picture - it means that it is not at all in the disappearance of the clutch, so it is not necessary to repair it. If, after the rolling function, the clutch after a little time began to see again, it is necessary to check the tightness of the entire system. Most likely, it enges air through hoses or threaded connections. This is all fixed by isolation.
In order not to spend money on the expensive hundred, you can fix this breakdown yourself, and not worse than in the service.
Rubber cord is better replaced by a transparent flexible hose.