How to pump the racks

How to pump the racks

Why pump racks, how to do it right, and whether there is a need for this - an inexhaustible topic for discussion in the Wednesdays of Iron Horses. To understand the intricacies of this, no doubt, it is necessary to clearly divide the two procedures: the first is the need to pump new depreciation racks in order to prepare for installation and further operation, the second - in pumping worn racks so that they can stop still for some time. In any case, both of these operations require a serious approach and attention of specialists. Without the relevant experience, it is unlikely to be able to spend the work competently and accurately.

The process of pumping racks immediately before installation is necessary due to the fact that the shock absorber can badly perform its functions if the air layer will be in its internal sleeve. When this will happen during transportation, it is fraught with certain malfunctions associated with noise tapping during the movement of the car, the destruction of throttle valves, which will cause a breakdown of the piston system.

In addition, useful humps with pumping will be allowed to identify whether the valve mechanism encourages or maybe there are other flaws. If we are talking about gas-oil shock absorbers, then an insignificant failure of valve resistance does not necessarily mean a malfunction. Let's summarize: in order to avoid problems in the future, depreciation racks should be given in the working state - to pump.

Have you decided to independently take the trick with pumping? Here is the easiest way: be patient and focused, secure a new stand strut up and slowly, without sharp movements, compress until its working part is within the top of the glass for a couple of centimeters. In this state, the shock absorber rod must be secured for a few seconds. Then try measuring and smoothly pull it up to the collected position. Similar actions should be made two or three times. Further, as they say, the control shot. The shock absorber put vertically, hold the rod up. With fast jerks, we move the rod, and there should be no specific failures. Such a pumping operation ensures the performance of the shock absorber, it means that it can be replaced.

There are other types of shock absorbers, the specifics of pumping the racks of which other. In such cases, the shock absorber is installed by the stock of the book and slowly compresses, without further sharpness. A couple of seconds in this position - and change it, turning up the stock up, without letting the position that fix the position during 4 to 6 seconds. Then neatly put forward the rod - to the limit, and so a few more approaches. Do not forget again about the important final stage when, with the vertical location of the shock absorber, you need to produce rapid movements with a stem located at the top.

Evaluate your capabilities: if you are an amateur in Avtodel, just an amateur, do not have the necessary knowledge and experience, it is better not to be able to establish a rack personally. Treat your car with proximity - then trust this responsible work to professionals, which understand that the shock absorber is a complex mechanism with specific principles of functioning. You need to finely handle it, and not clamping the rod with a gas key. After all, its surface is susceptible to damage and vulnerable to scratches. Not even many specialists of maintenance stations are aware that it is impossible to use the pneumatic token to install the shock absorber, because it will lead to a shock-dynamic burden on the rod. The rod, of course, does not suffer, but the nut on the end of the vibration can unscrew and remove the shock absorber.

Around the question of the feasibility of resuscitation of old depreciation racks do not subscribe a variety of discussions. Each of the supporters and opponents of this operation has their own special opinion on the right of obsolete spare parts for the second life. But be prepared for the fact that a cheaper option associated with the recovery procedure, and not buying a new one, can significantly harm your car. If his spring is squeezed from loads, and the suspension will suffer from breakdowns, soon expect overhaul. The choice is yours.

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