How to pump brakes

How to pump brakes

Even the most inexperienced among motorists should understand that the brake system of the four-wheeled "runner" is one of the most important in terms of avoiding an emergency ride. In order to increase the security guarantee for all road users - the driver, passengers and pedestrians - the owners of the car must monitor the condition of the entire braking mechanism, bring it to the perfect one. After all, you never know how incident you can face, but it is better to be ready for different situations, especially related to the threat to themselves and the life of others. The carelessness in this question is unacceptable.

One of the mandatory activities to maintain brakes in a work form is their pumping. If you need this task on the shoulder, you can proceed to its solution at home. It remains only to arm a few tips, which will help you get away from errors and do everything right.

What is the purpose of pumping brakes? It's simple, this procedure is needed to get rid of air, the accumulation of which can occur in a number of reasons, talk about them later. To begin with, determine whether there is really air in the system. The output is easy: if with a consistent press on the brake pedal, the movement increases and soft pressure is felt, it's time to proceed to the manipulation of pumping. Otherwise, sooner or later the risk of unsafe operation will appear.

Pay attention to the factors that lead to the accumulation of air in the brake system of the car. Among the main reasons why this happens, the following can be allocated:

  • long functioning;
  • certain intervention in the operation of the brakes (repair, replacement of parts or liquid, tuning);
  • depressurization of the mechanism, dissent of the hoses or oil tubes;
  • the decline in the main cylinder tank of the degree of brake fluid below the minimum mark.

You morally tuned to the implementation of the pumping procedure, proceed to the preparatory stage. Watch off the support of a friend - someone will need to prescribe a brake pedal. Next, keep in mind that the process requires fluid in the tank - no less than half of the level and not lower than the minimum indicator. If you need to add fluid, it is desirable that it is the same brand that flooded the day before.

Immediately before work, carefully and fully check the brake system - read all the devices for health, make sure that the substance does not proceed anywhere. And last: in the case when the car is equipped with an electronic anti-lock braking system, it should be turned off - remove the forty-moving melting of the insert in the rotary block.

In order for you to work comfortably, use the car fixation using the lift. So more comfortable. Start from the right wheel from behind, remove it, and then, getting rid of the rubber cap brake cylinder, clean the place from the contamination. A little unscrew the fitting with the key to install, whether. And now we put a rubber hose on it and lower the brake fluid drain into the container. Turn away the fitting and let's a command to press the pedal - the substance is like a mixture in the hose.

Let the partner continue to hold the pedal until the fluid is powered and resistance to pressing. Remove the connector again, drain the brake fluid, and as soon as the pedal smelled, turn it back. This procedure will have to be repeated until the purified liquid go, without air and drilling bubbles in the dishes. A similar operation is done with all wheels in a clear order: first the right back, then on the left - the front and rear, and at the end - the front right.

Note, all the above steps are very applicable for cars of any brands. But it will be more reliable if you are well investigating the technical documentation of your means of movement, it is possible that there are certain subtleties concerning brake pumping. Finally, we will repeat: there is no special need to contact the car service on this issue. If the financial resources are scarce, but the hands are "growing" from the right place, you can easily do on our own.

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