The flight is a kind of exaltation above the ground necessary for inspecting the car from below and carry out repair work. At the same time, the overpass plays the role of the observation pit. The overpass when learning a novice driver has another configuration and purpose. In her central part there is no lumen that the newcomer does not fail to go into it, and serves to study - how to touch from the place along the inclined surface, not allowing the car roll back. Such an exercise is called "Hill".
The situation that is practiced when performing the exercise may be like this: you pass the lifting, stopped at the traffic light. Put the car on the "handbrake" so as not to ride down. It is very difficult to start the movement of the car from such a position as soon as you remove it from the manual brake, the rollback will begin, you need to catch this moment and "catch" his pedals of clutch and gas. It is important to prevent the movement of the car back, there can be another car. In driving training classes, the driver's actions in a similar situation work. Walk to the tilt of the overpass, without reaching it horizontal part, stop, put the machine on the handbrake, the engine is not jammed. Parking brake is weaker than foot, do not try to stop the car. Quietly press the brake pedal, raise the "handbrake".The most important thing is to learn how to remove the car with the "handler". Exercise start from the place on the hill until you learn to feel the moment when it's time to do it. For the first time, most likely, the car will ride back, but you should not be afraid, it happens for each newcomer, with time, with time, everything will turn out.