How to trim by car

How to trim by car

When learning, driving a car often arise with some skills. The correct and smooth start of movement is often becoming the most difficult of all. The task is not easy, but quite solved. The key to success is the ability to "feel" the car and, of course, more practices.

Starting position: The right foot is located on the brake pedal, the left - on the clutch pedals. The machine at this point is on the manual brake and neutral transmission.

We start the engine, squeeze the clutch until it stops, we switch to the first speed and remove the machine from the manual brake.

Now it is very smooth, slowly let the clutch pedal. It is very important at this moment to catch the triggement. You can visually control the tachometer - the arrow should flush on the scoreboard. At this point, we carry the right leg with the brake pedal on the gas pedal.

If the moment is caught, then we give up the right foot to gas, gain momentum. At this time, the clutch is at the point of grasp. Gas must be added little by little until the machine starts moving. If the movement went, the clutch pedal is released and you can speed up the movement, according to your intention. If it is too early or too strongly press the gas pedal - the engine zarenets or simply stalls when it is released too early (with insufficient revolutions) of the clutch.

The essence of the skill is to learn how to catch the moment of triggered and keep the pedal in this position 2-3 seconds until the car has gained momentum and never started a confident movement. And further! Before starting the move, inform how to brake.

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