Calling onto the overpass or move in a slide for experienced drivers - a simple task. However, the newcomer often lacks the knowledge and experience gained in driving courses. You need to learn how to hold the balance, working correctly by the accelerator pedal and the clutch pedal. The balance will help keep the car on the rise and will not allow her to ride back.
Having stopped on the slide, stop the car. The engine at this time remains the started, the parking (manual) brake is tightened. All the pedals can be released, the legs are resting at this time.
Do not make metropy movements. As soon as you need to touch, squeeze the clutch, turn on the first gear. Remove the car with a hand brake, but do not let it, holding the button. Here may be needed physical strength.
Then we try to catch the balance, smoothly leave the clutch pedal and at the same time pressing the gas pedal, just as they did on the horizontal terrain. After the engine becomes quieter, the car "comes" on the back axis, the movement of the legs on the pedals should be stopped.
Once again we add and hold gas. The coolest ascent, the stronger you need to press the gas pedal for the second time. Not rushing, let go of the parking brake. The car begins to move. At this moment, more slowly, the earlier, let go of the grip, keeping gas.
It is possible to practice as follows: at the time of movement it is necessary to find such a position of gas pedals and clutch so that the car stops. The hand-made brake is released, the car stands, the left leg on the pedals of the clutch, the right - on the brake pedal. If gradually release the clutch pedal, the car will go forward, if you press the pedal - it will start moving back.
If you rise into the hill with reversal, the sequence of movements will be the same. Only instead of the first transmission turn on the back. Turn your head back through the right shoulder, we look at the rear window and the windows of the rear doors.
If you do any movement in slower, consistently, learn to feel the car, then fear or discomfort in a dense car stream will not arise. All these exercises are important for managing a car with a manual transmission. The machine with automation will not stall and will not roll from the slide.