How to switch speeds by car

How to switch speeds by car

Have you just got the right and still afraid to get behind the wheel yourself? Do not know how to properly switch the speed right and gently? Do not worry, take yourself in hand and carefully examine the presented material that will help you to cope with the current situation and move on with the car. After successful first experience, you will feel incredible relief and no longer experience the excitement trepidation behind the wheel of the car.

The mechanical gearbox hurts horror on future drivers, which are simply not able to imagine that soon everything will seem trite simply. So, the main rule is not pulling the gearbox sharply. At first, attach your hand and try to switch alternately all the programs (naturally, the car is not needed yet).

Photo number 1.

Never at the time of the movement do not look at the lever, you may not begone, do not navigate and create an emergency on the road. If the handle moves quite tight, it may indicate problems with the clutch, so it is not necessary to blame yourself in no condition to switch the transfer. If at the time of squeezing the clutch, you will not release one pedal and press the other, while switching the transmission, then the car falls into the "nervous tick". Therefore, it is necessary to release the clutch and at the same time it is smoothly pressed on gas, then the car is touching from the place, switch to the second gear. The first is intended only for the start of movement.

Photo number 2.

On each lever switching speed, there is a simple and understandable scheme indicating where to move the handle for a specific speed. First, practice with an experienced driver on a deserted track or a country road, where there is no likely to create an emergency. Remember: when the car moved from the place, immediately in a few meters switch the second gear.

Photo number 3.

To switch the next transmission, it is necessary to release the gas pedal again, smoothly squeeze the clutch pedal, then turn on the neutral gear for a few seconds and finally translate the lever to the second transmission.

Photo number 4.

Next, we act on the same scheme. And we can easily switch the transfer in the movement of the car, no longer so surviving for the clutch. However, be careful with the gas, do not press abruptly, start smoothly press the foot toe, after you get used to feel your car and do everything on the machine.

Photo number 5.

Reduce the speed is necessary as follows: release the gas, stopping the fuel supply, then smoothly press the brake to reduce the speed of the car to the appropriate transmission, and after a moment, proceed to neutral transmission and turn on the lower, release the clutch pedal and pressing the node.

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