How to learn to ride by car

How to learn to ride by car

The car in our time is both the vehicle, and luxury, especially expensive, presentable models. But to buy the desired car - half the way, because you need to learn to led yourself.

Get the first theoretical and practical knowledge will help driving school. The instructor will explain in detail in detail, and the first seals on the car you will do with it. But the time allotted to classes is not enough to familiarize himself with all the thinners of driving. Therefore, you will have to ride a lot on your own.

Sitting into the car, work out in a habit to adjust the seat, belts, mirrors. It is necessary for the ride to be as comfortable as possible. Switching the gearbox, tracking the road on the mirrors should be brought to the level of automatism.

To move from the place, learn the clutch pedal and turn on the first transmission. Then smoothly, evenly release the left foot from the clutch and simultaneously press the right foot on gas. If you learn to feel the car, you can carefully touch.

Do not go right away at large roads, highway, urban streets. Straighten while in quiet streets, specially reserved places. You can follow the confidence to follow at a safe distance behind a low car, repeating his maneuvers.

If you go out to manage the machine without an instructor, then think if you need someone nearby. After all, many know how to drive by car, but do not know how to explain correctly, teach another. They can most unwind you, confuse, scream, rather than give the right tips.

Learn to see road signs, traffic lights and control the situation around themselves. Try not to disrupt your attention from the roadway and do not delay the look at unnecessary items.

Even before passing the exams on the right, it is necessary to learn the rules of the road. And then in real life correctly understand the road situation and quickly make decisions.

Refer to the process of driving a car with full responsibility and after each workout, analyze your actions, errors. Next time you will know how to solve the situation correctly, and do not repeat your mistakes.


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