How to drive a car

How to drive a car

Sit behind the wheel and go - here is the dream of every busy person. But before doing this, you need to learn how to drive a car.

The first step towards independent driving of the car is to get right. To do this, you can hire a private instructor, and you can go to a driving school. The main thing is to learn the rules of the road and master the dise of driving.

Having received a cherished plastic card, start practicing. Ask a friend or husband to train a little with you, suggesting the necessary maneuvers. It is better to do this in a place where there is no large number of pedestrians and not too lively traffic.

But now try to overcome the fear of the novice - the fear of independent driving. There are no certain advice here, just do not be nervous, do not press the gas pedal, please believe yourself that you can all.

Rememberly repeat (preferably in practice) traffic rules, try to develop attention and reaction.

Thunder the route in advance, try mentally to "lose" possible road situations and how you will act in these situations.


We often work out complex maneuvers: riding and starting from space, pedestrian crossing, overtaking, parking, travel on the traffic light and in unregulated intersections, reverse, traffic in traffic.

Do not give up under any circumstances. All newcomers make mistakes, poorly understand those or other maneuvers. And if you lower your hands, you will not become a good driver. Take yourself in your hands, do not listen to other people and outrageous exclamations of other drivers.

At first, learning to give up music in the car, do not react to phone calls and unnecessary conversations, try not to buy too caustic flavors for the car's salon. Foreign noise and suffocating fragrance interfere with focus.

The first independent departure to the city without accompanying, schedule in the bright time of the day, preferably on the day off, so that the movement of the cars was not too busy. It can be a trip to the nearest store, to the gym (and let it go in five minutes walk, you train).

Contact the tips of the experienced drivers. Look for information and pictures on the Internet about how best to get out of incomprehensible and complex situations on the road.

Follow our advice, and already very soon learn how to drive well. All you will succeed!

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