How to appreciate the car

How to appreciate the car

You can spend your auto assessment yourself. There are a number of factors for which the calculation is carried out. It is enough to know the brand, model, year and mileage, and then proceed from the technical condition of cars and pricing policies in the market of similar goods - demand increases the price.

The main rule is to assess the independent expertThat is, in humans / companies not interested in overestimation or reducing real value. If you decide to use the services of professionals, make sure of their competence.

The subject of the assessment can be both supported by the car and practically new. Often old cars are sold in connection with a change to a more modern comfortable model. New cars are exposed to trading platforms due to the lack of a loan payment, costly service or urgent need for money.

Rate a new car whose warranty period is not yet expired (at least a year) is quite simple. Take a 10-20% from the initial cost, depending on the car run, and get the recommended sales price. This The circumstance is profitable if the ideal technical condition of the transport funds.

By Warranty expires to learn the recommended cost of the car only after technical inspection by a specialist or independent analysis. Priority is the average cost of a car similar brand, year, mileage. Regardless of the age of the car, it is worth a scrupulously refer to the cost calculation. There are special sites and thematic print editions that will help you adequately appreciate the car.

You can try to evaluate the formula where the main components are the technical condition, the actual and functional aging of the design and the filling.

Front Implementing into the inside of the machine for evaluation examination immediately take 25 30% of the value of the new unit of a similar brand and model. The move and engine is estimated on a five-point system, where, unlike school, five is the worst indicator. The rating multiply by 5, after adding a "discount" to the previously provided percentage.

Estimate ku and salons are carried out in a similar way, but we multiply the indicator at 3. The result obtained add to the above relations.

In the final result you will have 40-50% of the cost of a similar car from the cabin. Given the tendency to equate prices to the current currency rate, you can sell a supported car at the same price for which it bought it 3-8 years ago.

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