How to pump automotive drives

How to pump automotive drives

Everyone knows that the basis of our safety is good brakes. Air can be hit in the brake hermetic system. The air from the brake discs can be removed if they are pumping them. The efficiency of the brakes will increase from this, and they will work stably and reliably. To fulfill this work, you will need an assistant one to perform it inconvenient. The role of an assistant is simple - sit in the cabin and harrow on the brake pedal.

What to pre-cook:

  • plastic container to drain the spent brake fluid;
  • brake fluid;
  • rubber or silicone hose;
  • key for pumping brakes.

Pumping brakes can be planned and unscheduled. As soon as notice that the brake pedal is pressed overly "gently" or other changes in the brake system, which means that repair work must be carried out. Car drows on the lift or observation pit. Using the operating manual, you will study the features of its brake system.

If the pumping of the discs is not related to the planned replacement of the brake fluid, then inspect the entire brake system, without excluding the pipeline. Inspect the inner parts of the wheel casing, make sure there is no leakage. The detected fault, due to which the air fell into a sealed brake hydraulic brake, eliminate. Now start pumping disks according to the scheme.

Pumping brakes Start from the wheel most remote from the main brake cylinder - GTC. For example, order may be like this: right, then the left rear wheels, then the front - right and left. Following this scheme, you with greater efficiency air from the brake system.

Prepare a simple device with which you will perform pumping brakes. Take the hose (plastic, silicone, rubber), such that it will be on the brake cylinder fitting. Prepare the container - glass or plastic.

Brake fluid pour into the Tank GTC. Near each wheel, clean the brake shock fitting from dirt. Remove the plug closing the fitting. In the cooked plastic container, pour some brake fluid. Lower one end of the tube into the container, the other is dressed on the bleeding fitting.

Give the team to the partner very intensely click on the brake pedal several times, delay in the pressed position. At the same time, start a slightly turning out the fitting. The brake fluid begins to go out of the tank in the tube container. The presence of air in the system you define on the bubbles that appeared. Wrap the fitting, go to the next wheel. Use liquid to the brake system to the brake system recommended by the machine manufacturer.

You can pump the brakes without a partner, but this work is more laborious. To do this, you need a syringe, a container and a cover from the tank with brake fluid. In the cover of the tank is inserted and hermetically fixed using a syringe sealant. Pre-in the syringe dial some liquid. On the brake tank, turn the design made. On the wheel, which will pump, unscrew the fitting. Connect the tank to collect the waste fluid, implate the brake fluid with a syringe.

After pumping, check the brakes: if the pedal is still "soft," it means, pumping again or it is time to conduct the audit of the brake discs and the pads. The "failure" of the brakes often occurs due to wear of the disks and pads. In this case, it is not necessary to save.


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