How to choose a car antenna

How to choose a car antenna

Over the past couple of decades, the choice of automotive antenna has significantly complicated. If you used to "stick" to the car radio, the first antenna could be (and the choice was small), now the huge range of this product is sometimes putting in a dead end of autonovics. After all, not only the signal quality depends on the selected accessory, but also the appearance of the car, because the antenna is able to make changes to the machine design.

First, decide with the type of antenna you are looking for. There are two main types of automotive antennas - internal active and external passive. For an internal receiving device, an amplifier will be required for which the power supply is additionally necessary. However, among the explicit advantages of this type of antennas - small dimensions, the ease of installation and the absence of external factors, since this device is located in the car.


If your choice fell on the outer antenna, then among the advantages can be highlighted - high sensitivity, simplicity in connection. True, the impact of the environment destructantly acts on the device, which determines its low reliability.

Before purchasing an external antenna, choose its design features and determine the location of the car. There are several varieties of an antennas of an external installation: telescopic, pins, in which the length is fixed, with a magnetic base, antenna on clamps (gutter antennas), decorative antennas. The ideal place of installation is the point in which the highest height over the conductive surface is provided (car housing). Therefore, it does not matter exactly where the antenna will be installed - on the roof or hood.

Keep in mind that antennas with a magnetic base although they have undoubted advantages - quickly mounted and dismantled, have a significant drawback. A weak magnet has all the chances of "flying" with extreme driving or abrupt braking. In addition, magnetic antennas can apply the damage to the paint layer at the installation site.

Antennas on clamps are suitable only for those cars, where the drainage is provided to which they are attached, with no plastic. Otherwise, this device is not for you.

By installing the inner antenna, remember that the best location will open the window or somewhere around it. Keep in mind that the reception elements of the internal antenna must be not closer to 2-3 centimeters to the surface of the car body. A good installation site will be the windshield, rear shelf.

Choosing an antenna in a specialized store, do not forget to explore the technical parameters of the device. The best quality of the reception will be the antenna, which has the smallest value of the noise level of the amplifier, and the gain must be highest. And, of course, do not forget the old-good rule that there is no good cheap.

Note that the intra-alone antenna has the worst signal quality than the external device. Therefore, only weighing everything and against, go for the purchase.



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