Setting the purpose of upgrading the design of the machine's salon, car enthusiasts first pay attention to the dashboard and steering wheel. The steering wheel is also changed due to inconvenience when covered by his hands, hiding legs or due to poor visibility of instruments. Remove the old and put a new steering wheel yourself, but not quite simple.
Do not buy the steering wheel of dubious quality, as this can lead to an accident on the road. By selecting the appropriate steering wheel, you can proceed to replace. Prerequisite before replacing the steering wheel - disabling the minus terminal from the battery to prevent short circuit.
By installing the steering wheel in the "straight" position, align the front wheels of the car. Then you need to unscrew all visible screws of the housings. At first, the lower casing is removed. Unlock the steering column lever, lowering it down, and remove the upper submitted casing.
Finding the screwdriver, carefully dismantle the decorative lining on the sound signal, then by unscrewing the mounting bolts, remove the signal button itself. If the car is equipped with a pillow, it is also removed. In this case, you need to find three wires and turn them off from the terminal. The extracted pillow is checked for safety.
Using the end key, unscrew the nut, which is secured by the steering wheel, but not to the end so that the steering column does not fly. A pencil or marker makes the positions of the steering wheel and the turning pointer relative to the shaft.
Tapping on the steering wheel in the direction of "on myself", dismantle the steering wheel, reloading the finally the fastening nut. It is best to do it using the puller.
Now you can put a new steering wheel, rejecting the steering wheel switch to the neutral position. New steering knitting needles should be in a horizontal position. The rotor switch ring must be installed so that the pin on the steering wheel hub entered the rings in the groove. Spin the nut, connect the electrics.
By connecting the minus wire to the battery, check the sound of the sound signal and the steering wheel switch.
By replacing the steering wheel, it is worth committing several trial trips for some long distances. During the rectilinear movement, the steering wheel should be in a horizontal position.
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