How to drive a snake on the road

How to drive a snake on the road

"Snake" is an exercise of the average level of complexity. Sometimes the cadet himself does not understand what makes a mistake when you pass this exercise. The platform for performing the task has a view of a rectangle, divided into 4 sections. The length of each section is 1.5 of the length of the car, and the width is equal to its length. You need to drive around all the cones, while not to knock them down and do not cross the lateral solid lines.

To proper exercise on the exam, you need:

  • Drive up and stop at the "Start" line;
  • Drive the platform, maneuvering between cones;
  • Drive and stop at the Stop line.

It is necessary to approach the "Start" line so that the wheels of the car stood smoothly, it will greatly simplify the detour of the first cone. Before the line must be stopped, start moving only by the examiner team. Smoothly release the clutch pedal, the car will start moving independently. You should not press the gas pedal, the car and so will move smoothly and stable, it is only worth twist the steering wheel. If the car will "gamble", correctly perform an exercise is unlikely to succeed, and in the winter it can "apply".

To see the chips well, you need to look around and in the mirror. As soon as the first chip will be at the level of the middle of the left front door, it is necessary to quickly turn the steering wheel to the left to the end. Slow steering wheel turning to knock the cones when driving.

When the right forehead of the wing is stamped with a cluttered cone, the steering wheel must be quickly turned to the right to the end. As soon as the left front corner of the car will be on the same level with the next chip, the steering wheel must be sharply turned left. Thus, you should drive the entire platform. A little not to reach the "Stop" line, it is worth pressing the clutch so that the car is driving on the inertia, and stop at the line.

The main error allowed by cadets when surrendering the exercise is cone touches. To avoid penalty points on the exam and do not get to relocate, you should not change the speed of movement. This can only provide movement on the clutch, and will also save from unnecessary presses on the pedal, which will allow you to completely concentrate on the steering wheel. Due to the clutch pressed on the rotation, you can hook the chip.

Exercise "Snake" - very useful for beginners. Well worked on its autodrome, drivers can easily maneuver between obstacles in urban conditions. Mastering the art of the passage of "snake" will help protect the car from getting into an accident.

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