How to determine the toosol or antifreeze

How to determine the toosol or antifreeze

Antifreeze is called all solutions that do not freeze at low temperatures. These also include fluids that cool the machine motor. Tosol is a brand antifreeze, which was developed in the years of the existence of the Soviet Union. But the fact is that it does not have copyright, so anyone who wants the manufacturer can call its cooling solution to Tosol.

There was information that Tosol is suitable only for our motors, and antifreeze - for foreign. For this reason, many companies have become called their products with antifreeze. In fact, when choosing between antifreeze and Tosol, the only index is important - the approval of this brand of the cooling solution by the car manufacturer. This information can be found in the service book to the car or on the site of its manufacturer.

Many motorists believe that it is possible to distinguish Tosol from antifreeze in fluid color. But it is not. These fluids are transparent, but each manufacturer can add a dye to any color there. Many companies even produce the same brand of antifreeze and antifreeze, but with different colors.

In advertising brochures, information is often found that Tosol and antifreeze of our production can be used for motors of many foreign cars. This is a lie. For example, antifreeze for BMW and Opel cars are different in their content and properties. Remember: No brand of the cooling solution can be destroyed for two motors at the same time.

The foaming indicator of the coolant is associated with the manufacturer. In domestic grades, foaming is small, compared with imported. The latter often do not correspond to our GOST, but this does not mean that they are poor-quality. According to experts, GOST has long been outdated and needs updates. Therefore, if the car manufacturer recommends a brand of a cooling solution that does not respond to GOST, it can also be applied.

Mix brands of toosas and antifreezes is strictly prohibited. Each of them contains components that can damage the elements of the motor when connected. If you want to change the brand of cooling solution, change it completely. Before this, well rinse the cooling system with purified water. Prepare a certain amount of liquid of the same brand. Perhaps the solution is not enough and will have to add. But for the absence of antifreeze, you can also add distilled water.

High-quality toosol or antifreeze must have a quality certificate. At your request, the Seller must show you it. Also, high-quality liquid produces a strong canister and cork. Good toosol or antifreeze should not be muddy or contains precipitation. In addition, when scolding a foam should settle in literally in three seconds.

When buying imported toosol or antifreeze, be sure to specify compliance with foreign quality standards. Also check the manufacturer's address, expiration date and date of production.

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