How to determine the main road

How to determine the main road

Sometimes it's hard to know which is the primary and which secondary road. To address this issue a few rules you need to know.

On the main road indicates the respective sign. If this is not a guide, you should explore other signs posted on both sides of the road.


Please note, a sign located at the right corner of the intersection. The "Give Way" says that you need to give way to vehicles that move on a crossing. It follows from this conclusion - you are on the minor road. If there is no sign learn first proximal left. It happens that the signs are repeated. Perhaps, in this case, the motion priority is not defined, then look in the far left corner. If there is to be an inverted triangle of gray - a sign "Give way" on the back side. Drivers of oncoming cars, he points out that it is necessary to give way to cars crossing the road. This means that you, too, on a secondary road. If the sign is located in the back, so the way inferior to you, and you're on a primary road.


Note the presence of the sign "stop sign". It is the only sign of an octagonal shape, so it is easy to learn. By this sign all applicable cases of its location on the road, as well as for the sign "Give way", and the same rules for prioritizing traffic.

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If the characters do not have priority, use the rule of "Hindrance to the right." The essence of the rule is: you want to skip transport, which is located on the right side. When the rule of the movement for you, you can turn right without obstacles. Remember! Making a left turn and turning on the main road you have to miss oncoming traffic.


Sometimes signs are absent. In this case, read the road surface. At the intersection of two main roads considered roadway with asphalt pavement, dirt road - a minor. Remember, going from the yard or from the village, you are on a secondary road.


If you cannot determine the main roads with signs and road surface, consider that you are in a secondary road. This will help warn emergency situations.


Compliance with the rules of road traffic and concentration on the road - the basis of avoiding road accidents.

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