How to rebuild on the road

How to rebuild on the road

All highways hundreds, and maybe thousands of times had to be rebuilt on the road. When performing a maneuver, the direction of movement remains the same, only the band changes. To safely perform this action, you need to closely monitor what is happening on the road.

Examine the situation on the road. Analyze the location of the participants in the road, their speed of movement and behavior on the carriageway. Make sure you do not create interference on the road while changing the strip of movement.

Look in the side mirror of the rear view of the strip where you intend to make maneuver. Turn on the turn signal and carefully accumulate the vehicle speed, which moves in a population direction, in the row you need. Do not drive close to the cars traveling ahead. If the car is far or the road is empty, you can rebuild. Reconflatent on medium speed, observing the distance between the transport, which moves behind.

Look forward. Perhaps the car in front of you also intends to carry out a turn. According to the rules of the road, you must skip it. And then only rebuild. Do not forget to look at the side mirror again and make sure that the change in the strip of movement is possible.

It happens that the transport in the band you need moves somewhat faster. In this case, it should be accessed to the speed of transport in this row. Then turn on the rotation signal and only then begin to rebuild. Move with the speed of the stream in which it is rebuilt. At the same time, do not forget to follow the position of transport on the road. If in the row where you intend to restructure, transport is moving at high speed, skip it and only then make a maneuver.

Always remember "dead zone" and check the situation in the side of the rebuild, if you: moving slowly; Rebuild in a row, where the speed of movement is much more; Uncertainty, we cope.

The steering wheel during rebuilding must be kept with two hands.

Over time, experience comes and all actions are exhausted to automatism. But even in this case, it is not necessary to forget about the care of the roadway. Observe the culture of movement.

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