How to move the road

How to move the road

Learning correctly goes the road yet from the nursery, fastening the passed as agreed. It happens that even the most calm and small portion of the road at any time can be the place of increased danger. You should not be self-confident and think that you are all knowing about how it is right and safe to go through the road. Times are changed, and along with them the rules of the road are complemented both for motor vehicles and pedestrians. This article will help you not only remember the basics of rules for pedestrians, but also tells about some innovations in this area.

Each pedestrian knows that it is possible to move the road only on the green light of the traffic light. Moreover, regardless of whether cars are on the road or the road is absolutely empty. It is worth noting that in previous years this rule has mastedly violated. A group of pedestrians, moving on the red light of the traffic light on a desert roadway, was the usual phenomenon. Now the population has become more careful, and most patiently waiting for green light, even if the cars are not visible nearby that, by the way, can not but rejoice. This is due, possibly with the increased number of vehicles on modern roads, and may have influenced fineswho will have to pay a citizen who has decided to break the rules of the road.

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And what if there is no traffic light? Of course, to look for a place on the roadway, prudently distinguished by the strips using reflective paint, which personifies zebra. By the way, if she erased or under the snow, a special sign will indicate on Zebra. Remember that as soon as you descend from the curb and step on the markup, for the drivers a car it will be familiar to the stop for passing pedestrians. The exception serves a car with a flashing and sound signal or only with sound. In this case, the pedestrian must give way to the road, even if he should be held according to the rules.

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Since 2015, pedestrians, passing the road outside the populated area, should have reflective signs or strips on top clothing. It also concerns for urban pedestrians, but only for them this rule is only a recommendation.

Currently, many roads are equipped with not only zebras, but also underground, and even overhead pedestrian transitions. If so are available in the terrain where you plan to move the road, then preference should be given to them, because They serve as an absolute guarantee of your safety and safety.

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Be particularly vigilant moving the road in the dark. Most often, at night, the pedestrian is very bad see the driver of the car because of the light of the oncoming headlights of other cars and poor lighting of the passing site. Therefore, moving the road, carefully follow the movement of vehicles, do not go around cars from behind, and buses in front. Turning the road, keep the second strip of movement under control. It happens that the car from the first strip is inferior to a pedestrian way, they burn it, as a result of which the second strip continues to move, provoking an accident.

Pedestrians are urgent not recommended to move the road where the overview lights up a parked car, a steep rise or any other obstacle.

We affect I. cyclists. Since they are forbidden to move the road by bike, but you can only move, having disappeared and driving a bike near, then at this moment and they become pedestrians and must comply with all the above rules.

Special attention should be paid to citizens with sleds, which is a child. Before a pedestrian crossing, remove the child from the sled and go through the road, holding a child in one hand, and in another sled. So it will be much safer for your child than he will go to the sleds behind your back.


We hope that our article will help you behave correctly when moving the road not only to you, but also to your children, thereby giving the opportunity to avoid dangerous situations on the carriageway.

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