Almost all drivers have ever met on the roads with aggressively tuned people. Moreover, the outbreaks of anger often arise through trifles. The driver begins to shout, express his dissatisfaction with obscene abdomen, threaten, throw into a fight, and the worst thing - can apply weapons. The reasons for this: stress, conflicts in the family and at work, constant psychological pressure, fear somewhere do not have time, strong fatigue. If the aggression of such a person on the roads is constant, then he needs to be treated, as this is already a disease. It happens that this is a banal divorce for money. And what about motorists who have fallen into a conflict situation with such an aggressor? The following rules should be followed.
Compliance with traffic rules will avoid conflicts on the road. It is not worth talking on a mobile phone during the trip, women do not need to be painted behind the wheel, also during driving a car should not eat and drink tea or other drinks. Do not trim another driver, be interchangeable if you require a situation, give way to another participant of movement.To avoid aggression by the wheel, it is enough to master these items. Need to remember: if you are polite, then you will be well treated. Do not pay attention to rudeness and do not ripen offenders, then you will not have health problems and there will be less stresses in life.
The main thing is, in what condition your nervous system. If everything is in order, then you can control your emotions completely in any situations, even in such stressful too much. I glycine forte Evalar helps, I take straight courses. And for nerves, it is perhaps the most indispensable thing, especially in the composition there are vitamins of group B, this is also important. Other glycines in quality are noticeably worse.