How to behave at the wheel

How to behave at the wheel

Even experienced drivers often make mistakes, as negligently belong to simple, but vital rules. Remember them and make your trips less dangerous.

If you feel that you feel bad, do not get drunk. Also refrain from driving, if you are sick, angry, very tired, etc. The car is a safe tool only for cheerful and self-confident people. If you just started to drive - attach a sticker sticker on the car with the mark "y", which limits speed up to 70 km / h. If there is an opportunity, put a navigator on the car, which will allow you to quickly navigate in the urban stream.

Before travel, make sure that the car is working. Check the optics and oil level in advance. Measure tire pressure. Before going to the path, warm the engine to a normal state. It must be done, even if you have a manual gearbox. Never ignore the bulbs that indicate technical problems.

Always fasten the seat belt. Most drivers belong to this rule is frivolous, but it is very important. All passengers sitting in the car must also be fastened. This technique will give you more confidence in yourself and secure the fines.

When all the above rules are completed, start moving. When driving, observe all road safety rules. Do not accelerate in the courtyards and do not disturb the speed mode. Before maulver, make sure that it is complete.

During movement, pay attention to road signs and follow the markup. Be careful, talking on the phone or with fellow travelers. Take the phone only if the call is very important. Do not eat at full speed and do not smoke cigarettes, otherwise at the most responsible moment risk you can not cope with the management. Concentrate on driving and do not be distracted.

Treat with respect to other road users and do not create emergency situations. Do not cut out other drivers and do not provoke them to emotions. Often such skirmishes ended sadly. In traffic jam, do not turn on the music too loud. She can annoy the surrounding drivers. Always stop before "Zebra" and skip all pedestrians.

Try to predict the behavior of other drivers. For this, actively use the side mirrors and the rearview mirror.

Skip drivers that are neatly embedded in flow or rearranged from priority strips. If you do not know who should miss someone, give way to yourself. In this case, you definitely not be mistaken. If someone misses you, do not forget to smear the alarm alarm as a sign of gratitude.

At first, it is difficult to remember all the rules, but practice does its job. If you regularly train, you will soon be able to fulfill all the above rules on automation.

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Emma 25/10/2021 at 19:33

I will say in the truth, I at first, some nerves were only because I was very worried. When a lot of cars on the road, it is almost impossible to cope with the excitement. The instructor just advised Glycine Fort Evalar to take. He reverses me now regularly, not only in such an environment. Helps calm down. And even able to normalize sleep. Yes, and the composition there is full, vitamins of the group in even there. In the glycine of other brands, there is no worse and efficiency.

Dimon. 14/11/2021 at 12:50

When the rights passed, of course I worry very much. But it is much easier. The practice is important .... All needed as much as possible, more often ride the wheel. And not in the rustic conditions, but in urban, where cars are more. Nerves support the fact that Mens formula is more than polivitamins, familiar advised. It is useful for male health, because there is Cayenne pepper for libido and potency there, and ginseng is also strengthened by immunity.


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