How to calculate traffic time

How to calculate traffic time

There are situations when it is necessary to accurately calculate the time to overcome the path. Today navigators come to the rescue, but what to do, if you do not have such a device, but it is imperative to determine the time on the road. Consider some simple options that will certainly bring knowledge for the future.

It is necessary to have one or more of the following auxiliary factors at hand:

  • internet with Google search engine - GoogleMaps;
  • card;
  • highway directory;
  • handle and leaf (at the same time you need to know the distance from the point of departure to the arrival point);
  • GPS navigator.

Calculate the distance of the route using Google Map or Yandex Maps using the "LINE" electronic tool. Spend the way of movement from start to the end and find out the exact distance to the destination. The resulting distance is denoted by the Latin letter "S" for the further use of the calculation formula. Also, you can also measure the distance by directory or using an ordinary map.

Photo number 2.

Now we proceed to the calculations of the movement rate, which is indicated by the symbol "V". Regardless of the vehicle and the movement zone, determine the average. For example, in the city by car you move at a speed of 50-60 km / h, outside the city - 80-120 km / h, and in a hiking - on average 5-7 km per hour, or 1.5-1.7 m / with. So you have to determine what distance you overcome in the city, what kind of city and how.

Photo number 3.

The speed (V) and distance (S) are defined, now we make the calculation according to the formula T (time) \u003d S / V. But before proceeding to calculations, translate all the values \u200b\u200binto a single dimension. That is, if you move on foot and consider in meters, then overwhelmed the path on the car, too, translate into meters. For example, from the city to the village item, it is necessary to drive 10 km on city roads at a speed of 50 km / h, outside the city of 100 km at a speed of 100 km / h, then on foot 300 meters. It turns out: in the city we will pass in 12 minutes (60 minutes / 50 km * 10 \u003d 12 minutes), during the city, the time on the way will be 1 hour, hiking along the country road about 3 minutes. Total - at the destination we will get in 1 hour 15 minutes. Or carry out the calculation directly by formula 10 km (s) / 50 km / h (V) \u003d 0.2 h or 12 min (t).

Photo number 4.

As you yourself made sure, it is necessary to include the brain and calculate the counting. It is much easier for business in the presence of a navigator or applications in the phone. It is enough to activate the device, pave the route and perform movement along the route - the navigation system will immediately give the speed of the speed and the estimated amount of time to overcome the specified distance. The average may vary slightly, depending on the increase or disabling the speed of movement.

Photo number 5.

If you are a happy car owner, constantly traveling or the field of activity implies the extreme searches of certain addresses - be sure to buy a navigator or install the application to the touch phone. Such a gadget will significantly simplify the task and reduce the time to search for a particular object.




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