What color to buy a car

What color to buy a car

Classic car flowers are black, silver and white. Male floor prefers darker tones, and women like completely different shades. Today, companies produce cars of orange, red, green, blue and other colors. Therefore, lovers stand out for sure will find the appropriate option.

Black. Black colors with a modern sparkling effect become increasingly fashionable. If the car is clean, he will look amazing. In the CIS countries, this color is associated with luxury. The disadvantage is that the summer of a black car will be very hot. In addition, it will have to clean the surface almost every day. This color prefer people who adore classics and conservatism.

White. According to experts, the future absolute market leader is a bright or pearl white color. The most fashionable laptops and phones are covered with white glossy color. We have a fashion for this color just begins to gain momentum, but in North America, the White has long been the busiest. He emphasizes the individuality of his owner. In summer, in the cabin, the car will be much cooler than in the cars of other colors.


Silver. Today, silver-gray or metallic is dominated today on our roads, as it is called differently. This color choose practical people for which fashion does not matter much. Dust is almost imperceptible on gray, so it will be easy to care for the car. But on the other hand, gray less than others is noticeable on the road, which increases the risk of emergency situations.

Orange. The favorite shade of optimists and active people who adore speed. An orange car will allocate its owner among all other colors. A good example is the copper-orange Infiniti FX. It was proved that it was the orange color that activates, but not overjugates the nervous system, so the owner will feel cheerfully without additional stimulants.

Blue. According to psychologists, the blue color acts peacefully and relaxes. Blue car owners think differently. They love originality. The car enthusiasts claim that the blue weather is mixed with the sky, so it prevents fully satisfying the situation on the road. But there are advantages. On any car light shade, dust will not be noticeable.

Red. It is often chosen by people who want to stand out from the crowd and show their superiority. This color increases aggressiveness and heats blood, so it should be carefully driven by a red car. Experts claim that the red car creates a feeling that moves much faster than the other cars and is much closer. In fact, this is an illusion.

Purple. In the closure of kings, violet was always present. Psychologists argue that the owners of the purple car always reach the planned plans and most likely occupy a high position in society. On the road, this color is noticeable, but not annoying other drivers. But in the twilight merges with the terrain. Buying a purple car know that you will have to become a frequent guest car wash.

Whatever color you have chosen, you should be comfortable in your car. Trust your intuition - if the color causes you positive emotions, feel free to choose it and do not think about conventionals.

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