How to transport oversized cargo

How to transport oversized cargo

An oversized cargo may be heavy, long or large-sized. And in each case an individual approach is needed, since transportation methods can differ significantly. However, there are general principles of such shipments, phased preparation and transportation.

First of all, we calculate the exact size and weight of the cargo. Knowing this data, we can correctly order the carrier services. Otherwise, the risk of maintenance and safety on the road.

We select cars. Often, oversized are transported specially equipped tractors. It is important to evenly distribute the weight between all vehicle axes. At the same time, it is impossible to exceed the limit values \u200b\u200bof the carrying capacity provided by the car manufacturer.

We make a route. Here we take into account aspects such as the throughput capacity of the roadway, the height of bridges, tunnels, and so on. If the load is too high, sometimes you have to raise the power lines, if it is too heavy - to strengthen the unreliable areas of the highway. Such moments are extremely significant, their preparation takes a lot of time and resources.

We draw up the documentation. The permit for the transportation of oversized cargo is requested in road control of that region in which the load starts. Make it necessary in advance, since the processing of the application and the route coordination occupy from one week to three. If the load along with the vehicle exceeds the permissible norms by weight, length, width, the transportation project must be provided. This includes measures to eliminate obstacles to safe movement of baggage.

We organize loading and unloading. In most cases, cranes are used, they can be rented without any problems. We take into account that it will take sufficient area for the location and maneuvers of the crane. In addition, the tractor also takes a lot of space, and he also must be comfortable to turn around.

Take care of the accompaniment of cargo. If the length of oversized, along with transport hesitates from 24 to 30 meters or width - from 3.5 to 4 m, it is obliged to accompany representatives of the transport company. In the case when the length of cargo with a tractor exceeds 30 meters or width - 4 m, transportation is carried out with a road inspection.

Otherwise, the transportation of oversized cargo on the vehicle is subject to the general rules of the road. Keep in mind that non-standard tractor with a load must be marked characteristic signs to warn other road users of the possible danger.

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