How to carry a dangerous cargo

How to carry a dangerous cargo

Transportation of dangerous goods - the event is very serious and responsible. So how to properly transport the dangerous cargo in order not to damage the health of people and the environment?

Explosive materials, various gases, acids and alkalis, flammable, toxic, radioactive, inclined to fire and other substances are considered dangerous goods. In order to transport a dangerous cargo, the driver, except for the driver's license, you need to have a special permit, which is issued only if there are all necessary documents (a document on the access of the driver and the vehicle to the transportation of dangerous goods, a clear route of transportation, an application with the indication of those responsible for Safety of cargo and other).

Transportation Marking

To transport the dangerous goods, choose the highest quality and durable container (for maximum safety and integrity of packaged goods during transportation). In addition, the package is chosen from the inert with respect to the goods being transported. Loads excreasing flammable toxic gases can be transported only in hermetic packaging to minimize the risk of leakage. Cargoes in glass containers are placed in reliable polymeric, metal or wooden boxes, while the interlayer of the free space is filled with special laying materials, which, if necessary, quickly absorb leakage. Dangerous cargo (like a car carrier) is subject to mandatory labeling. It must be wear-resistant and comply with the required standards.


The route of transportation of such cargo should not cross the dense-populated points, large-scale industrial facilities, recreation sites, as well as reserved and historical places. The route must indicate the clock, which vehicle should move, as well as the places of its stops. The route of transportation of specially dangerous goods must be pre-consistent with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The driver of the vehicle must strictly observe the pressed speed mode. Machine carrying a particularly dangerous cargo necessarily accompanies a car with a yellow or orange lighthouse.

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Special requirements are also imposed on transport carrying a dangerous cargo. The technical condition of car carrier should be at the highest level. Before sending to the path, the maintenance of the braking system of the machine and the anti-blocking system of the brakes (for trucks, the mass of which exceeds 16 tons) is carefully checked. In high strength fuel tanks should be securely protected from possible shocks, and the exhaust system is from overheating. In addition, fuel tanks are filled with battery with protective valves. All wiring machines must be isolated with a special seamless material. In the car carrier, there must be an anti-tone timber, two emergency signs with illumination, several fire extinguishers and a staffed medical first-aid kit. The driver and the accompanying composition must be dressed in a special form of bright color and are equipped with pocket lamps.


Violation of the rules for transporting dangerous goods may result in very serious consequences. Adhering to all recommendations, you will save not only the cargo transported, but the most important thing is life!

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