How to remove the alarm

How to remove the alarm

Cars are often equipped with alarm, but during operation it can occur its breakdown, or it will simply be necessary to change it to a new one. In order to remove the signaling from the car, it is not enough to disable it and remove the main unit, usually there is also an additional relay that either does not allow the fuel pump or does not miss the spark. So, you just do not get the car.

Alarms consist of several basic block systems: this is the main unit, the switch button installed inside the cabin in a secret place, the relay that prevents the engine launch or fuel injection from the fuel pump, wires going to doors, hoods, the ignition key. All these systems must be disconnected and removed to completely dismantle the alarm.

If you have broken alarm, which is most often happening at the most unsuccessful moment, a sharp beep sounds, or the engine start system is simply blocked, open the doors with the key and locate the button that turns off the alarm. Usually the button is hidden somewhere behind the front panel from the driver. Press it several times, after which the beep will turn off.

Find the main alarm unit - it can be installed, both from the cabin outside the panel and under the hood of the car. From this block, the wires are diverted to the wiring of the car. They can be either twisted and wrapped with insulating material or soldered. When working with electricity, it is necessary to start disconnecting the battery, and special gloves will also be alike.

Wires that go to dimensions, doors, hoods, ignition, should be disabled. Special attention is paid to that wire that is responsible for blocking the engine. Disconnecting the wires, you will find the blocking points - they are divided by half and diluted slightly to the side of the regular wire. You need to combine the slave ends together. After disabling the wires of alarm and bringing the standard wiring to the original form, try to start the car. If the car started, then you did everything right if not - you missed something, check again all the wires and locks. Additional blockages can exist - at the starter or fuel pump.

At the final stage, you should also disassemble the alarm off button - you will find it inside the cabin. Remove the shock sensor, it is usually installed under the handbrake panel. Sirena, which is under the hood and wires coming from it, should also be deleted.

New alarms have a lot of advantages over older and help your car's more safer. Therefore, each driver should think about changing the alarm on something newer, relevant and efficient.

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