How to disable Pantera alarm

How to disable Pantera alarm

Pantera is the alarm of a new generation with a double-sided connection, which is presented in the market with many diverse models that satisfy the demand of consumers. Especially for Russia, the Pantera SLK model has been developed. The system is multifunctional. There is a function of starting the engine and control door locks remotely. The alarm is calculated for uninterrupted operation without repair for many years, in the large temperature range. Increased level of noise immunity allows you to use this security system in all domestic cars. Disable the signaling manually may be needed in case of faults, loss or damage the keychain.

You click on the keychain, but the alarm does not respond to pressing, does not turn off. Try to cut the distance. In a big city there may be various radio moms. Apply the keychain as close as possible to the location of the antenna, the central block or to the body.

Perhaps the battery sat down. If the battery is discharged while driving, the keychain will not work. Turn the ignition, check the operation of the instrument panel. Do not work - the battery sat down. Disconnect the alarm siren and accept recovery measures.

Perhaps problems with shutdown / inclusion alarm due to lack of powering keychain. Check the performance of the battery. On the keychain with a double-sided connection on the monitor screen there will be information about the state of the battery. There is no possibility to buy a new one at the moment - remove the keychain and knock on it slightly, slightly deforming. This will allow you to reanimate the battery for a short time to disable the alarm, then replace it.

If everything is in order with the power, then, first of all, turn off the speaker. Open the hood, find the bell and disconnect the sound of the alarm key. If no key disconnect contact. Set the alarm system in service Valet mode. To do this, press the secret button disable the alarm. You have to know where it is, from the instruction. Ibid describes how to enter the pin code off the alarm. No instructions - call your service center.

If the PIN code you do not remember, there are no instructions, call the service center is not possible, then try traditional options:

  • Ignition Enable, the secret button to click once for a short time, Ignition turn off;
  • Ignition Enable, the secret button to press abruptly four times, ignition turn off;
  • Ignition Enable, turn off and turn on, press the secret button for 10-15 seconds.

If one of the codes approached, the engine is unlocked, the alarm will turn off.

There is an easy way to disconnect the alarm, establishing it efficiency - check the fuse. Most likely, it is located near the central block: under the hood or under the dashboard.

You used all possible techniques to disable / enable the alarm, and there is no positive result? It is necessary to contact the car repair shop to your mechanics. The problem can be very difficult, with it not to cope with your own. Learn details the instructions for your car alarm, remember its pin code. Especially in the event that you have a complex GSM alarm.

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