How to turn off the central lock

How to turn off the central lock

During the operation of the car, there are cases when it is required to disconnect the central lock of the car. For example, you lost the original key chain of the signaling and the central lock. Until you reprogrammed new key rings, the central lock is preferably disconnected to complicate the life of potential attackers. There are a great many options for the execution of the central locking and they all have their own disabling features. We will consider only the basic, suitable for all cars, methods.

If you have a modern car with an integrated factory installation system, then the ability to turn off the central lock is provided by the manufacturer. Sometimes it is enough to start the machine, clamp the lock lock of the central lock and wait 5-10 seconds. After the car published several short beeps, the button can be released - the lock is disabled. On some machines, the disconnect function of the central lock is laid in the service menu. Carefully read the documentation for your car, it is possible that it is there, and you do not know about it. In the event that you did not find anything like this, you need to contact the dealer center, and they will definitely provide you with complete information on this issue.

If you have an additional alarm with a central lock control function, it is programmatically shutdown. The shutdown procedure is described in detail in the user manual for your alarm. Just study carefully not to make a complete shutdown of the alarm, because you only need to turn off the central lock.

If you have a signaling without a central lock control function, a separate radio module performs this task is connected to it. In this case, it is enough to simply turn off the voltage from the radio module. 12 V. Radio signal from the keychain will not go to the radio module, and the central lock will stop blocked. You can also simply disable the wiring harness switch that is responsible for connecting the central locking servos.

Well, another way, however, quite labor. All mechanisms for opening the center lock are equipped with special servo drives placed in the doors of the car. After dismantling the upholstery of the door, you can easily reach them. After that, you can simply turn off the power harness from the servo, or dismantle the steel craving from the servo to the lock mechanism. In this way, you can selectively disable the blocking of one or several doors. Do not forget to fix the disabled harness and dismantled craving inside the door to prevent their bounce when moving.

In any case, if not quite confident in your abilities and skill, better contact the specialists. Especially if you have a modern, high-tech car. And do not forget to close the passenger doors from the inside, and the driver's door is a regular key, while the central lock is in the off state. Good luck on the roads!

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