How to unlock alarm

How to unlock alarm

Alarm is perhaps the most reliable protection of the car from hijackers and autowner. But the signal, like any other electronics, is characteristic of periodic failures.

There are several reasons for blocking car alarm. Most often, the blocking of electronic protection occurs due to the fact that the battery in the control panel is discharged, or got a car battery. Also, auto alarm problems are possible in the high radio domain (supermarket parking, airport). Another reason for the "freelance" locking of the security system is a breakdown of the alarm unit.


First, change the battery in the alarm panel. If, after replacing the battery, the car also does not respond to the signal, perhaps broke the key chain itself. Try to open the machine with the second keychain (usually the two consoles are attached to the alarm). If it happened to open the auto by the channel, then the problem of blocking the alarm is obvious. Do not forget to reprogram the failed keychain.


If you failed to remove electronic protection by any of the keychains, you have to open a car using the key. Naturally, "gives the voice" Siren alarm. "Silete" it only when you press the "VALET" button, the functionality of which is the emergency shutdown of the security system (the location of this "magic" button should have been showing a signal-installer).

Signal of replacement

In the winter period, the signaling blocking is most often associated with the complete discharge of the car battery. Note: If, when you turn on the ignition, the lamps are weakly burn, the machine refuses to start, and the signaling siren at this time "screams", which means the problem is really in the extinction of the battery. To turn off the sirens, it is necessary to remove the terminal from it. After charging the battery and be sure to reprogram the control panel.


If you cannot unlock the alarm by means of the above manipulations, you will have to turn off the alarm unit. Most often it is under torpedo. Pull all the wires from the block connectors and try to start the car. If the car did not work out, it means that Ignition blocking, starter or gas station. To disable them, disconnect the wires that run from the signal block to the machine wiring, then the ends of the standard wiring together with each other. After that, the car must start.


Not a single driver is not insured against the signal blocking problems. In order to minimize the number of unpleasant situations associated with the unexpected blocking of the security system, in the car's glide instruction to alarm and always have a duty key chain with it.


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