Such a high-tech invention, as an alarm with autorun, is designed to facilitate the life of the driver, help him feel more comfortable.
Install this type of signaling is quite possible independently, unless, of course, you know how to use a figure screwdriver, an end key, a soldering iron. To this, purchase another isolent, windows, self-tapping screws, plastic clamps, solder Pos-60, 3 m 10 mm corrugated tube, diode 1N4007.
The alarm unit is installed for the instrument panel. The first step will be the removal of the steering wheel with a curly screwdriver. Then we unscrew the screws that are fixing the lower and upper halves of the casing, and remove them.
Next, you need to dismantle the decorative lining of the central console. To do this, unscrew the bolts, slightly pull it on it and remove it. At the same time, carefully remove the dashboard, pre-vested 2 screws, and then the remaining 4 fastening elements.
Near the handle that opens the hood, there is a locking rug held by two pistons. In order to free it to free it, unscrew the pistons, and the rug itself is still moving so that it does not interfere. Wires hidden to the left in the threshold will open.
The next step will be the installation of the LED, the service button and antenna with the sensor. Place the first in the left head of the windshield. The button may be anywhere, the only condition so that we can be comfortable. Antenna, which built into the sensor will be located on the windshield.
Now you need to check whether all the correctly connected using a multimeter. To do this, we will deal with the wires of the wires in the left threshold: fuel pumping, turn signals, door and trunk crossies.
Under the hood we spend the wires going to the siren and the end of the hood. Here we assign the place for the end of the hood, sirens and the sensor controlling the engine temperature itself. Now you can use the central castle. In this case, it is possible to do this so that it will be connected to the button, by the control, and to the standard alarm.
A tachometer and wire leading to the handler are connected to the instrument shield. The turn on the connection of the trunk of trunk, turn signals and doors into the connector located on the instrument shield. Usually it is gray.
Time to pay attention to the immobilizer crawling module. In our case, it will be installed normally, and for this we do the following: the frame of the immobilizer crawler module we take place on the perimeter of the ignition frame, the location of the key is a commander. It remains to engage in connecting ignition and signaling chains, accessories and other things.
In conclusion, you need to adjust the experimentally experienced by the impact sensor so that it does not work falsely and the signaling with the autorun program will be programmed.
Having installed on your car alarm with auto start, you will get a lot of advantages, and most importantly, even in the coldest winter, the salon of your car will meet you with warmth, and in the summer - pleasant cool.