How to transport sofa

How to transport sofa

On the sofa it is convenient to lie and relax, but in the complexity of transportation it is inferior only to the piano. The easiest way is to order transport with loaders and specialists who quickly disassemble the sofa pack, will take it out of the room and load on the car. But not everyone has the opportunity to contact the transport company, and you have to count on your strength.

The sofa assembled is difficult to endure through the doorway and turn around with it in a narrow corridor. To facilitate the task, disassemble the sofa to the part. When disassembly, label the details of the mechanism. Do not forget that you have a sofa assembly, which is more complicated. Well, if the assembly scheme is preserved, but most often it is immediately sent to the garbage bucket after purchase. So that in the future do not break the head over where to attach extra details, take a picture of the disassembly stages. The photo will help you after moving.

Prepare a packaging film. In order not to damage the upholstery, first first all parts into the bubble film, then wrap the stretch film and fasten the scotch. If you can carry the sofa without disassembly, package pay special attention. The larger the cargo, the more it is likely to damage the upholstery. In such cases, except for the film, use even dense tissue.

Photo Packaging Sofa

The sofa, disassembled on the part, can be easily accommodated in the cabin of a passenger car, folding the back of the seat. Transportation of the sofa on the trunk is undesirable, but sometimes there is no other exit. With this method of transportation, it is important to position the sofa correctly and secure securely. For fixing, use special elastic hooks or ribbons with locks. When transporting, observe the speed mode. It does not prevent once again to stop and check how reliably the cargo is fixed.

Photo sofa99.

If you are transporting a sofa on transport with a spacious van, put and secure the items so that they do not have the opportunity to move by car.

After transportation, unpack the part of the sofa and proceed to the assembly, until I have not forgotten how the sofa looked to the carriage. After all the hassle, you can use the sofa for the purpose and relax.


When transporting the correctly, choose transport, take care of the packaging and follow the assembly rule - then your best friend will delight you not yet one year.

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