How to sew a doll with your own hands

How to sew a doll with your own hands

It is believed that only small children play dolls, but self-made rag dolls can also become for adults not only hobbies and hobby, but also in a way of stable earnings.

If you have made a decision to sew a doll yourself, you first need to weigh your capabilities and the desired result. There are a lot of books on needlework with applications in the form of steering.

Also, the drawings of the parts can be found on the Internet in an unlimited quantity. Most of them have a special feature for downloading and subsequent printing on the printer. In this case, in the settings, adjusting the size of the future product.

The next stage is the choice of fabric for and material for packing dolls. Natural fabrics are best suitable for the body: cotton, hazard, sitheria, flax or any other firing materials. For filling, they usually take a syntheps, syntputs, cotton wool and tissue trimming.

When fragments patterns are transferred to paper (this can be done printing or redrawing the pattern), they must be cut and move to the fabric. It is very important to take into account the same arrangement of the threads. You can arrange along or across the direction of the threads, it will affect the final appearance and shape of the product.

Then all the details are flashing around the perimeter, leaving one edge is not stolen. Through this hole, the part is later turned and stuffed. The same side is then sewn to the body. Remove thin details, such as handles and legs, can be used with a special wooden stick or pencil. On the rounded details are made of peckers, not tasty, so that when filling the fabric it is not sharpened. Before filling the details, they are better to rejuvenate.

The latter is prepared by the body of the doll. From the wrong side to it is sewn head and limb. After that, it can be safely stuffing and sewing. Do not be afraid of the seams, because the doll will certainly be dressed in a dress or costume, which will hide all workers flaws. Hands and legs can also be sewn to secret seams.

When the doll layout is ready, it remains for your fantasy. You can sew a colored sundress, a magnificent ball gown, a sweater and pants - everything that you have enough craftsmanship. Funny looks on white pantalon or bead bead beads. Hair can be made of yarn of any color and any length.

Eyes, like the mouth, can be performed in several ways: to embroider threads, sew buttons or beads, stick or simply draw paints. Take your blush and apply them a doll on your cheeks, it will give her more lively and cute view.

The doll sewn with her own hands will take you many emotions. Delight from the creative process, pleasure in the subsequent appearance of her masterpiece and pride in front of friends and acquaintances. And still home-made toys - the best gift for any holiday, which will undoubtedly be appreciated.

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