How to sew tag for kitchen

How to sew tag for kitchen

Each hostess dreams for her in the kitchen reigned order. Most women are not only watching the comfort in the house, but also works, so the process of cooking should be as fast as possible. For this it is worth taking care not only about furniture, but also about pleasant trifles.

Tubs for the kitchen are a necessary trifle that allows you to quickly remove the hot pan from the plate or pull the baking tray of the oven. Now there are many kitchen sets in business stores, but most often they are made of poor-quality fabric, which does not withstand washing in hot water. Therefore, you can sew tag for the kitchen yourself. To do this, you will need colored cotton fabric, lining fabric and filler. Fleece, syntheps or cotton can be used as a filler. If you have nothing of it, you can simply add thick tissue into several layers.

How to sew tag for kitchen

Initially, decide on the form of tapes. It is very convenient to use fat "mittens". But if you need to quickly remove the saucepan from the stove, you can simply sew ordinary rectangles with loops. To begin with, build the pattern. Attach your hand to the sheet of paper, folding all your fingers except big, together. Circuit your hand over the contour. Now circle the resulting drawing, retreating 2 cm. As a result, you will get a big mittens. Now attach the pattern to the fabric, folded by the front side inside, and circle it. Cut two pieces of tape. Now do the same with the filler and the lining tissue. As a lining, you can use any patchwork or ordinary sheets, this part of the tape will not be visible.

How to sew tag for kitchen

Now you need to collect "Pie". To do this, fold the details starting with the facial fabric. Next to it to put the filler and lining. Do the same with the rest of the details. Take a needle with a needle with a thread, and then shoot a mittens along the contour.

Remove the product and drive around the edge of the plain or tape, it will hide a cut line from which threads can hang. The principle of sewing rectangular tapes exactly the same. There is no need to outline your hand, you can simply make rectangles of any size. If the idea with rectangular patches seems to you boring, you can sew them in the form of fruits. It looks very original to pear, orange or apple. Try to give preference to round subjects. They are very convenient to use.

How to sew tag for kitchen

In order for tacks to really become similar to fruit, you need to decorate them. To do this, enter the tails to the apple and peer. If you use one-photon fabric, then cut out from the material of another color "Rushenets" on an apple or pear. In this case, you will have a tack of appliqué. Fabric of another color can be sewed with a zigzag or manually, applying a "chain" seam.

How to sew tag for kitchen

For the manufacture of tapes there is no need to buy a new fabric. Loskutka or old dress are suitable. Cute tacks are obtained from children's breaks and sliders. They are made of bright fabric.

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