Female tie - how to sew

Female tie - how to sew

Favorite ruler France Louis XIV Louise de Lavalier - One of the first dare to complement his image by an element of a male wardrobe. The original knot on the neck of the Duchess to this day is called " lavalier" Create an accessory cost considerable effort, but today you can sew a tie in read Minutes and arrange it under your own unique style.

Prepare instruments And materials:

  • basic fabric;
  • dense cold cloth;
  • chalk or surcharge;
  • pins;
  • threads in tone;
  • scissors I. sNIPPER;
  • needles;
  • ruler;
  • paper for pattern;
  • sewing machine.

V First of all, decide on the shadow and select the appropriate pattern. Make a template, lay out the details of the patterns on the fabric on the oblique thread (otherwise the product will be overwhelmed), leave the allowance 1 1.5 cm. Similarly, lay out the detail on the cold cloth, which is used as a gasket. Put the elements of S. accounting Packages on the seams.

If Cutting the fabric does not infringe upon, then make the item is sol. Regardless of whether the part is different from you or consists of several parts, fold the facial fabric, the cuts are chopped with pins, turn on the machine, performing the leaps. Ready seams are irip. Get to process corners. On the main fabric, perform marks and transfer them to a gasket item. Corners of the bases start.

Now you need lining angles to impose on the face of the main part and copold two parts by pins. At the next stage, follow region Fabrics and make up the previously provided seam. Similarly, do the design of the second side of the tie. Now it remains for small - turn the corners and how they should be found.

Insert B. tie Sealing a delicate detail and secure the pins. Perform scattering Stitches. Then the pins connect the edges of the allowance, and in the center, follow the invoice of the secret seam. Sewing both items and proceed to the workpiece of the loop: Severe the oblique strip of four centimeters width. Fold the face with the front side and push, remove and perform thermal processing. Side loop to the main part, capturing an exceptionally top layer of fabric, providing for the clearance for the narrow end of the accessory. All, tie is ready. Optionally, you can perform the scenery.

In addition to classic tie, you can make butterfly. Try to accurately perform all the stages, and as a result you will get a beautiful original accessory.

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