How to sew a skirt in a fold

How to sew a skirt in a fold

Almost every woman goes kilt. After all, it is possible to sew different lengths, and with the help of the little things easy to hide figure flaws and highlight the merits. We cover this product vary, pleats on the skirt may be reciprocal, unilateral, uniform, wide, narrow, etc. We know how to sew a skirt with a conventional uniform, one-sided warehouses.

preparation of material

Any process of tailoring the product begins with the preparation. It is necessary to buy a suitable fabric, as well as for take:

  • needle and thread;
  • pins, chalk;
  • centimeter tape;
  • large scissors and elastic at the waist;
  • buttons and zippers;
  • sewing machine.


Calculation of the skirt fabric

It is advisable to choose a material that keeps its shape really well and not very wrinkled. Which color is better - it is up to you, the main thing that came to your skin tsvetotip. Calculation of the fabric is quite simple, first measure the width of the hips, and then multiply this value by three - it will be the width of your skirt with a view of the folds. For example, the hips is 98 centimeters, then the fabric must be taken in width 294 centimeters, i.e. Matter-half-meter width of the suit (two strips), and more over it will be necessary to cut off. The length of the fabric should be equal to the length of the article width plus belt plus 5 centimeters hem (top and bottom). If you want to skirt a bit fancier, then take a few strips of fabric.

drawing skirt

We need to measure only one value - a girth of thighs. And knowing the width of the fabric, we can calculate how much will the folds. To do this, we define how wide we will fold, for example, 4 cm. Then, the total width of the fabric subtract 8 centimeters oversizes from two sides: 300 cm - 8 cm \u003d 292 cm resulting value must be divided by the width of one fold and 3 - the number of bends.. Total: 292: (4 * 3) ≈ 24 fold excess of 4 centimeters of the material can be cut. An exemplary drawing looks as shown below.

sewing products

Start sewing skirts:

  1. Take two halves of the product and fold them with the front side inside. Leaving 1.5-2 centimeters from the edge, Sew the side seams. Immediately push the edge by Zigzag, so as not to do it.
  2. Now the shallow flashes the folds of the width you need and in a previously defined quantity.
  3. Make the bend, make the tailor pins each fold closer to the top.
  4. Using the iron gently smooth out the folds. If the fabric is a costume, then use gauze so that there is no shiny stripes.
  5. After that, it remains to sew a belt - and you can remove the pins. On the one side of the belt, make a loop, on the other - the sew button. Inside the details of the wrench wide gum. Carefully drag the zipper inwards so that it is not visible under the folds.
  6. At the end, enter the bottom of the finished product. Blank the bottom skirts and folds.

Everything, the skirt is ready, it is perfect for everyday wearing. Depending on the type and coloring of the fabric, such a thing can be worn and to work under the classic blouse, shoes.

We looked at the easiest way to sewing a skirt in a fold, there are still many others, but they are all based on the above method. Therefore, manifesting a fantasy, you can now easily sew a product of another type.

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