How to sew a half skirt

How to sew a half skirt

Logsa Skirts Semi-Full Universal - Helps Hide Full Burder, emphasize the waist, create a beautiful silhouette. Skirts of such a cut equally looks well on girls, girls and adult ladies. You can sew this piece of clothing yourself, even without having experience in the sewing business.

Selection of material

If a half skirt is the first thing you are going to sew yourself, it is better to stop the choice of fabric without a picture or with very small. Tight fabrics - velveteen, wool, jacquard - relevant for winter skirts. For summer models, it is preferable to loose denim, silk, chiffon, flax, satin. Atlas, velvet and other expensive matters are suitable for festive models.

Fissure consumption is calculated in this way: two lengths of the product + two waist radius + 10 cm. If the product is planned with a pattern or in a cell, the material will need more to match the seams on the seam.

Preparation of fabric

In order to avoid shrinkage of the new skirt, the selected fabric before opening must be prepared - decay. Material immerse in water, press, without twisting, hang dry. Then a slightly wet fabric, mark the iron. Wool is better to moisten with a pulverizer and dry in unfolded.

Building pattern

When matterium is prepared, you can start a disconnection. To work, you will need:

  • centimeter, needles, pins;
  • tissue scissors;
  • ruler;
  • threads in tone material;
  • snake counterstail;
  • button;
  • fliselin;
  • fabric itself.

To build patterns, remove only two standards - waist girth and the length of the product. On a sheet of paper, we build a straight angle with a vertex A. From this point horizontally and vertical meat the small radius R1 - it will be a waistline. It is found according to the formula R \u003d circumference length, divided by 2π. Another option: the waist amount is divided by the number 3.14. For example, if the waist girth is 70 cm, the length of the product is 85 cm, then R1 - 70 / 3,14 \u003d 22.3. To this number we add the length of the product and the reserve for the tissue. 22.3 + 85 + 1 \u003d 108.3. Thus, we obtain a large radius - R2. Arc combine the point of the waist line, the point of the nise line. You can use pattern. This skirt will be with one seam.

Now we make layout on the fabric. On the folded halve on the equity line, we rush the pattern. Before cutting to the waist line, add 1.5 cm for the seam allowance. Cut the workpiece, the fold line is not cut, proceed to the sewing.



Gently stepping the side sections, not reaching the waist line 18 cm. The edges are processed by overlock or manually. Then we sew a secret zipper. On the involving side, mark the chamber of the snake taking place. Bend and press the resume left. Apply a lightning apply to the rendered edges of the seam so that the cloves retreat from it by 0.5 cm. We take both halves, starting on top, in the same order, we attach a sewing machine to the tissue.

Podol belt and bending

From the remnants of the material cut the belt. The length of the belt will be equal to the length of the vertex of the skirt, plus 3 cm on the clasp. We leave a centimeter on each side to the allowance. We glue the phlizelin the resulting strip from the wrong side, turn out and stepping the side sections. Having retreated 3 cm from the edge, take the belt face belt to the skirt, hiding the allowances inward. We shoot the machine. We make an incision for buttons and process it.

It is desirable to start up the bending of the podol after the skirt "saves" on her shoulders with cloves of 1-2 days. During this time, the fabric in the seam area will slightly remove. Hanging the bottom skirt is more convenient on the mannequin or with an extraneous help. We process the edge overlock and spend. You can enhance the hem manually.

Weather skirt ready! Joy from such a new clothes will be special.

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