How to sew a dress for pregnant

How to sew a dress for pregnant

Each woman dreams to be beautiful, young and desired. During pregnancy, these desires do not disappear, but on the contrary only increase. What to do if the number of things of the desired size is rapidly reduced in the wardrobe? You need to sew a new dress for pregnant! This can be done independently.

The protruding tummy is very well masked by a fashionable dress with an overwhelmed waist. Pregnant with a slender figure is suitable as a style with the waist immediately under the breast and located just below. But the ladies with a continuous figure should be placed exclusively under the breast and choose thin flowing fabrics. After trying on the dress, it is necessary to consider not only how it looks in front, but also to pay attention to the rear view. The skirt should smoothly envelop the shape, and not baggy to lie or strain on the hips. It is not worth choosing multi-layer skirts during pregnancy, they can make a figure more massive and clumsy. Also, the excessive passion for ruffles is pulled by a already rounded form.

Take the finished pattern as a basis for building a dress pattern for a pregnant woman with an overwhelmed waist. It must only be corrected a little, slightly increasing the front of the abdomen and along the line passing in the middle. The back also needs a slight adjustment, since it is drawn with a certain fold in the middle.

Since the outfit is planned to sew with an overwhelmed waist, then this very line needs to be somewhat lifted, we should have several centimeters above the tummy line. We retreat from the middle of the chest approximately 7 cm down, carry out a new line for the waist, immediately carry it on the pattern of the back.

Increase the pattern of chest girth. For this, the finished part of the transfer must be cut immediately in several directions:

  • down along the thigh line;
  • from the center along the lines of the wipes to the line of the hips;
  • we find a point of intersection of the armhole and the line of the side cut, we make a cut from the found point to the center of the chest;
  • from the middle of the chest, we make a cut to the battered line of the middle of the direction at right angles.

If there is no need to increase the pattern of the chest, then this item can be skipped.

To increase the waist girth, the cut part of the line described in the last paragraph, push the time and and a half centimeters. Further the upper part of the transfer shift to the half astimeter to the left. Reinstate the refined lines of the wretched. Taking into account the overpriced waist, correct the backs of the back of the back. In order to increase the girth of the abdomen, cut the details of the pattern along the waist line, push in both directions to the desired number of centimeters. Pattern is completely ready. Pretty fasten the resulting parts on the fabric using the studs and outline the contour. Do not forget to add one and a half centimeters around the edges of the seams - and you can start coloring the fabric. Treat gently edges in a manner that is suitable for your type of fabric, and only after that you can sew the finished product. First, turn manually, try it out and only by correcting all the errors, sew the dress on the machine.

Sewing dresses for pregnant women does not require special skills. The main thing is to have a desire, and everything will succeed!

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