How to sew skirt skirt

How to sew skirt skirt

In the sixties, the skirt of the glue was popular and was the basic object of the wardrobe of all fashionistas, but then she lost the relevance. And today, the skirt Sun-Clash returned to fashionable podiums and received a new twist of fame. She is dressed for holidays and in everyday life. And you can sew it with your own hands without possessing special skills in the seamstress.

Simone features

Skirt-Clash are attached to any forms. Maxi in the current season at the peak of popularity, skirt to the knee - suitable for everyday socks, mini - a great option for a party, a trip to the club or on the beach. The minimum number of seams, the lack of pulling makes it possible to sew a skirt-clay for the evening. Take advantage of our instructions, and your outfit will produce a furor, even if it is your first product.

Types of fabric

Beginner seamstress is better to use a one-photon fabric or purchase a fabric with a small pattern. If you decide to sew a skirt with a large pattern, then be careful when the pattern is correctly distributed on the product.
For the sewing of the winter skirt it will take a dense fabric - jacquard, wool, velveteen. Summer product options. Sex flax, satin, silk, chiffon, loose denim. Atlas, velvet, velor is preferable for festive robes.
To determine the amount of material, it should be counted twice the length of the skirt and add waist girth and ten more and fifteen centimeters.


For sewing skirt Sun-clash, it is not necessary to make a paper pattern. Create cuttings directly on matter. It will be necessary to measure two values \u200b\u200b- the length of the product and the waist girth. The method of constructing the pattern is based on a geometric circle, with a hole for the waist in the center. Figure shows that the pattern consists of two circles. Radius smaller R1 - Corresponds to waist girth, larger radius R2 - product length plus R1.

The main thing is to calculate the radius of the circle, the so-called excavation - opening of the waist.
To do this, we use the formula for the radius of the circle from the school program: R \u003d L / 2π, where L - waist girth, π \u003d 3.14 is a given value.

Thip the radius of the circle:

  1. Suppose L equals 75 cm.
  2. We take the existing formula - R1 \u003d from / 2π, we substitute the material known to us from R1 \u003d 75 / 6.28.
  3. We obtain a result equal to 11.94 cm.
  4. The radius of the larger circle is calculated easier, the skirt length is added to R1.
  5. For example, the length of the skirt is 50 cm. In accordance with this, R2 \u003d 11.94 + 50 \u003d 61.94 ... See

Be sure to consider - on the product I need at least one seam to create a fastener. And if your skirt is melted on the rubber band, when calculating the radius, it will be necessary to increase the waist girth in order to get freedom in the waist and more luxurious builds.

Fabric layout for sewing

Before folding for cutting fabric, decatide in order to avoid shrinkage. We put it in the water and dried without twisting or stealing the iron.

Consider several options for placing the fabric.

  1. First. The fabric is laid out completely without folds. Cut down on the principle of a mirror image. Check the length if the cloth allows you to get a product with two seams.
    Note: For satin, brilliant or fabrics with a pile, such a way is inappropriate. The finished product is observed in different ways and the direction of the pile.
  2. Second. We fold the fabric once. From the angle, count the length of the skirt, then grab the waist and again the length of the skirt. We leave several centimeters for the pent. In the center, we build a recess according to the formula, as described earlier. When cutting out, we immediately get two sides of the product. Skirt can be without seams or with one seam for stamping lightning. A long skirt will not be possible due to the width of the fabric.
  3. Third. We fold the fabric four times. And starting with the angle, we make the pattern of one fourth skirt, not forgetting to leave the tissue to the seam.


To sew the skirt skirt, you will need:

  • fabric and fittings on your choice;
  • lightning 220 mm or gum;
  • identity of identical color with cloth;
  • pins, sewing needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • iron for sweeping.

We cut the fabric without using a paper pattern, act like this:

  1. We place the fabric in one layer.
  2. We take the obtained value of 12 cm and calculated it from the angle of the arc using a centimeter tape or a circular.
  3. From this line, count the length of the skirt plus allowances for seams.
  4. To increase the depth of Fald on the product, the deepening of the waist line is required on the pattern, somewhere 0.8-1 cm on the share thread.

The skirt-clay looks better on girls with a thin waist. Logsa hides a lot of hips. In this case, for sewing, use thin fabrics caught up by oblique or year - on the tissues are more. For more complete ladies fit a style skirt half-fette. Little girls or girls we advise you to pay attention to the skirt american. But most importantly, dress so that you feel comfortable and appropriate in any situation.

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