Clamp for tie how to wear

Clamp for tie how to wear

Talking about the wardrobe of a strong floor, you can not get around the classic men's accessory - a tie clamp. A similar decoration does not allow a tack of waiting in the wind, to fall when tilting into a cup, a man always has a neglected and respectable appearance. And the products from expensive metal emphasize the status of the owner. On the value of the clamp to create a male image, and as it is worn - it will be discussed in this article.

History of origin

Initially in China and Rome there was a fashion for cervical scarves, pinning with special pins. The heyday of the fashion reached in France the XVII-XVIII century, where the jewelers competed in the creation of masterpieces, covered with precious stones. The decoration similar to the current version of the clamp, originated at the end of the XIX century in England, when ties-ribbons appeared in fashion, preserved to this day. The tape was fixed in the desired position with a metal plate bent in half.

What are the clamps

The tie clamp is purchased with cufflinks, they must be made of the same material. He is decorated in the same style. Usually priority is given to copies created in a relaxed manner. But if you are the happy owner of the clamp, representing the work of jewelry, do not hesitate to demonstrate the thing to others. The mechanisms of the clamps are not particularly different: they are arranged on the "crocodile" or "clips" principle. Both types of fastening are characteristic of both exclusive things, and for models is submoral.

Popular modes of modes are promoted by stainless steel products, rhodium in matte or polished processing, inlaid by semi-precious stones. In terms of cost, they sometimes compete with products from precious metals. For decoration, a mother of pearl and fianit is used. Office workers prefer flat metal clamps, without delights.

How to choose a clamp

When choosing a functional decoration, except for the appearance, you should focus on the quality of the product. To hold the tissue, the clamp is supplied with strong cloth. The tie is fixed on a shirt on the inside to prevent slipping, reliable fastening is required. Well, if a chain is attached to the clamp with an eye, putting on the junction of a shirt for the purpose of adding fixation.

A flat, thin clamp is suitable for a suit for every day. The tie width and the clamp length should be the same, or the decoration is bought on a quarter less tie width. Since the main purpose of the clamp is a tie fixation in the necessary position, do not purchase the product made by the type of studs, because it may be just a fake status product and will slide.

David Becam

How to wear a tie clamp

Clip for a tie - a decoration that allows a man to look more respectable. To properly carry it in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Put on a shirt with a tie. Try to tighten the tie right near the gate. Look carefully in the mirror. Tie with a shirt must lie perfectly, after fixing the clamp you will not be able to fix them.
  2. Conduct the spring mechanism of the clamp. Hold them a shirt, and then make sure that he sits tightly.
  3. Secure the accessory in such a way that the facial part is located above the top of the tie. Back of the mechanism attach to the shirt plank.
  4. The classic version of the clamping is between the fourth and fifth butt and parallel to the floor.
  5. Modern style involves the attachment of the accessory at an angle of 45 °, between the third and fourth buttons.
  6. If clamp with a chain, pinch it to the button. Accessory Place as close as possible to it. Only after setting the chain button button.



Attention should be paid to some nuances;

  • Do not take care of the too massive instances of jewelry - they vulgar look and deform the fabric.
  • The tie clamp is a representative accessory that is suitable for standard, wide and narrow ties, but not to the "bolo" - the product, like a lace.
  • Removing the clamp, make sure it is disclosed, otherwise you can spoil your shirt or tie.
  • Choosing a product, remember - it should approach other decorations (cufflinks, chain, clock) in style, material.
  • The stamp clamps are always placed parallel to the floor.

Aristocratic suit - part of the image of a man, and a refined clamp to a tie - the desired element that helps to achieve confidence and styles. Using a small additional detail will give a special chic ensemble of clothing.

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