Pocket watch - how to wear

Pocket watch - how to wear

Pocket watches were reputed to be a popular accessory among men even 400 years ago. They have demonstrated a certain status of the owner, the owner gives an indication of prosperity. It would seem that today pocket watch is nothing else, as a relic of the past, especially if the scales deliver modern chronometers and mobile phones. But no, this trifle to taste many in our time. Here only there is a logical question, how to wear them.

Pocket watch made for pick up clothes. The most popular use of silver products. However, bronze, steel, and gold does not lose its positions. With the "official" stuff looks perfect classic, with daily - ergonomic sports gizmos.

Such accessory worn on a chain on one side. On the other mesh keychain. If the watch is accepted to hide, key left in plain sight. Instead, the chain can pick up the original leather strap.

If you are a lover of classic style, prefer to wear a jacket, vest, then the problem will disappear by itself. Indeed, in this case, you can put in a special pocket watch, which is provided with sewing things, and the chain, as expected, left top, attach to the button to create a vintage image of refined gentlemen. It is best suited for this outfit mechanical watch as a tribute to centuries-old traditions.

Admirers of ripped jeans and sneakers so you can safely wear a pocket watch. To do this, you can buy special leather holders for accessories. Modern jeans are always equipped with a small pocket that can be adapted for the timepiece on a chain. In addition, the latter fits perfectly into the style of youth.

In addition, the product can be carried in a pants pocket, attach a chain to his belt for a loop. This method is suitable if you have purchased a large clock with a dial, as due to the recorded conversations you can not bring the watch close to your eyes. As a rule, they are placed with the same dial to him.

When using pocket hours, remember that you need to pay attention to the place of their attachment. To achieve maximum convenience, post on the opposite dominant hand side. That is, right-handers should be worn by pocket watch on the left, and left-handers in the right pocket. So it turns out to get and see, what time is not distracted by the work you do the main hand.

Let us fully accept the working version of the clock. By the way, only wealthy people did not always use pocket clock. Despite the fact that today everyone claims the opposite. There was a time, any man could afford such an accessory. Especially the work of which was associated with the exact schedule. Therefore, if you wish, you can recreate the retro image. Namely - to combine overalls, unbuttoned shirt, cap and pocket watch, which is best placed in the front pocket.

It is believed that pocket watch is the prerogative of men. However, such an accessory loves women with exquisite taste. And only them to decide - wearing a chronometer in a pocket of vest or jeans. Or maybe even with a skirt. In addition, the chain from the clock will act as an additional decoration.

Thus, pocket watch is a stylish accessory and today, allowing you to always demonstrate your taste and status.

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