How to wear a cap

How to wear a cap

Today, the cap is not just a headdress that protects against the Sun anddifferent weather Conditions.This is an expression, part of the image, accent and even to some extent the rebound. Therefore, in the century of its existence, the baseball cap is easily "swinging" into the masses and acquired significant multipleness. At the same time, the question "how to wear a cap" is still relevant. Take about it and talk.

Visor forward

This is a classic carrying manner of any cap, and baseball caps. In such a position, she will still fulfill his destination, that is, protects the face of its owner (or owner) from the sun. Also, such an angle will reveal the magnitude of the logo around your cap (of course, if it is important for you). It can be combined with sports elements of clothing or clothing in stylecasual.

Visor Naboka

A little shifted and rotated by a visor left or right a cap is already a wayattract attention. Atthis wearing the cap will require the corresponding image: a brighter, somewhat causing. It will be appropriate not to forget about style combinations: bright caps look most effectively in tandem with bright shoes, designer models with rhinestone finish, embroidery - with expensive ornaments and fashionable makeup.

Visigo back

If the previous way of wearing is to attract attention, then dressed back the peak is already a call. Therefore, such a manner to wear a cap is often exploited by representatives of some subcultures, in particular - rappers. It adds the image of rigidity, brutality, self-confidence and ability to resist circumstances or public opinion. So, turning the visor of the caps back, be prepared to prove your "steepness" not only clothes, but also. Often, for greater effects of the image of rapper and hip-hopers combine a cap with a gang, taking her head under the baseball cap or over the cap (in the form of a harness or stripes).

General Rules Wearing Cap

If the way to turn the visor of the caps - depends on your mood, style and worldview, then the rest should be followed by some rules:

  1. So, your cap should not interfere with the hairstyle - that is, it should be correctly selected in size.
  2. In addition, the Tjason of the Head Upora and the material from which he is made is important. Regarding a style - as a landmark, choose not only what the image you want to create, but also how much this style will be harmonized with your face form.
  3. Girls who want to make a piquant note to their style with a bright cap, need to remember that it will attract attention not only to the whole image, but also to your person in particular. Therefore, it should be flawless.
  4. Take a note and the fact that the material of the cap ideally must coincide with the material of clothing or some of its elements. For example, a denim or leather cap will require the elements of clothes from the same material, and a baseball cap of lightweight fabric is a free sports or urban style.

If you summarize, wearing a cap as you want. The main thing is that it is correctly selected and in terms of size, and in terms of style. About how to decorate the cap spikes with your own hands, look at the video.

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