How to sew a pillow for pregnant women

How to sew a pillow for pregnant women

The more the tummy, all the harder to choose a good idea to sit, lie, go in the car. Special pillows for pregnant women are quite expensive, but they can be sewn and independently. What is needed for this?

To begin with, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with those offers that are in the store. No, not to buy them, and so that you imagine how it looks, how long, based on your growth, it must be. In accordance with these indicators, you will have to plan length and width. In total, there are three forms of pillows for pregnant women - U, I, G. Which of them will be the most optimal for you - decide for yourself. Those who have already used them, note that the u-form is the most universal at the expense of convenience during operation in the future.

The material for the pillow will also have to specifically pick up, because it must keep the form throughout the entire pregnancy, do not reverse, do not roll. The best today is recognized by Hollofiber for the ability to keep the form and not change it even after several styrics. Fabric Select Mandatory Natural (Flax, Cotton or Even the Bike). In addition, you will need zipper. Everything you need is sold in the store for Croy and Sewing.

After the material is designed and purchased, proceed directly to the sewing. If you chose the U-shape, then buy 2-3 meters of fabric, depending on how you planned to sew a pillow. Prepare a template from sheets of paper, and then transfer it to two pieces of fabric, cut off the contour. Since the most complex, but the most convenient is considered a U-form, you can draw a pattern in this way, extending it:

Sust out the bottoms received, but not all the width. To do this, connect two pieces with an invalous side, step edges and lice zipper (you can do this on the side, and you can in the middle). Lightning is needed in order to replace or add an internal package if necessary. Then the pillowcase in the already finished pillow.

If you want to get any original pillow shape, you can make one of the ends in the form of a boa. To do this, cut out an oval piece of cloth of another color and stir together with the rest of the workpiece. You can additionally sew a small tongue from felt, and your eyes are sold in the Croy and Sewing Store. You can also make them felt and buttons. To do this, cut the circle from a dark felt, step it up until the pillow is stuffing, and on top of the trigger button. Just sewing firmly so that in the future the kid could not tear it off.

00 Svetlana

Such a magic pad will help not only relax and relax, but in the future it will be useful. After all, it is very convenient to feed the baby on it, calm it, use it as a barrier if the child decides to sleep with you, or simply as a developing toy, twist it in the form of a bagel and apply as a chair. Pillow for pregnant women - a wonderful device to improve the life of a woman in the last trimester.

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Olyushka 02/22/2016 at 13:07

What a cool pillow turned out)) I also wanted to sew, I got it on the Internet to search for a filler and ... In the end I bought it ready))) In the store Biopophka, the action was on them, so I got it now for a penny. And such a snake, I am a small hoax, there will be a pillow, and a toy!

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Nicholas. 25/11/2016 at 23:10

Dear girls! I am commendable your zeal to do everything yourself. But let us, men take care of your comfort! Seeing the wife diligently looking for materials, and then pick this huge pillow, I just ordered her a ready-made pillow in the online store. By the way, based, too, a man also (had happiness to communicate personally). I strongly recommend and from the soul I advise the store "Biopopka". In honor of Black Friday, there are generous discounts there and, they say, a few more days can be used. Do not waste. Love your wives!

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