How to sew a pencil skirt

How to sew a pencil skirt

No global financial crisis is able to prevent true fashionista to take care of the replenishment of your favorite wardrobe with beautiful things. Sometimes to get a new outfit, it is not necessary to "make a raid" on the expensive boutiques of famous global brands. It is enough to show fantasy, patience and give freedom to skillful handles. In addition, it makes it possible to make the right to wear a proud name not only beauties, but also clever. Did you decide? Then grasp the experiment with a sewing a pencil skirt, which remains relevant at any time and wonderfully fulfills the role of the basis for creating the most interesting images.

Since Christian Dior has presented a new fashionable direction, about seven dozen years have passed, but despite this skirt that received a "pencil" prefix continues to surprise with its simplicity, variability and versatility. It was the listed qualities that are especially valuable in conditions of strict savings. After all, such a female decoration is expanding the frames about length, does not have age restrictions for its owner and is suitable for any type of figure - both miniature ladies and pysnes. This outfit allows you to hide problem areas and disadvantages, as well as present in a more advantageous light of the dignity of your body. In the question of sewing, the freedom of choice is also observed: you can use the pattern, and you can do without it.

The process of making patterns is almost the same as for a direct skirt. The difference consists only in the narrated lines of the book and the presence of the slot from behind. Girth of the hips is a guide for the top and the bottom of this product. To create a fitting form, you will need to lay outdocks in the upper zone. Their value is calculating, take away from the girth of the thighs of the waist girth, the result is divided by the number of extracits. The next step is to decide how much you need to narrow the skirt from below. It is enough to do it within 1-3 cm. Set up eight centimeters to bookmark the slot next to the rear cloth. Now go to the cutting of the fabric. Bend the necessary part of the material twice and cut the front cloth. But the rear cloth should be cut twice from the single tissue in the mirror position. It is important to remember the allowances for the seams, the bending of the heater and the fastener - 2 cm, 4 cm and 4 cm, respectively. Cutting the items, proceed to the wrapper and side seams. At the top of the product, you need to notify the korsa tape. After fitting, start the skirt to sew and, turning the seams, complete the processing of all loops. Happened? Excellent, you personally made a wonderful gift for yourself.

If you are not a fan of building patterns, you can go to another way using the following manual. For the start, we carry out the measure: Determine the girth of the thighs and cut the rectangle of the tissue of this width with a reserve of 6 cm, choose the length as desired by adding 1.5 cm to it on the upper point and about 3 cm per battery below.

Our skirt will have only one seam from behind, in which it is necessary to insert zippers, but the landing should be perfect, so we will provide false seams on the sides. So, insert the zipper and sew the rear seam to the bottom, then find the middle of the press on the upper cut and start the folding tab. Spread the pipe formed from the material from the material outside. Consider than the waist volume, the farther from the center should be taken, while the depth of the fold should be about 2 cm, the width of the upper part is not more than 1 cm, and the length is up to 10 cm.

The location of the rear lashes - the depressure between the ridge and the sides. Length - from the waist line to the tailbone, the depth is up to 8 cm, the width in the upper part is not more than 4 cm.

When it is completed with this stage, align the center of the transfer and rear seams, fold the product, outline with a chalk line of the sides. Enter the skirt inside out and sculpt the hips excess on both sides. Make sure you have done it symmetrically. And now the time to shoot the fallouts on the sides, fold the skirt on the side lines and continue the seam to Niza, narrowing it in a straight line. Only everything thoroughly checking, to fit the sizes and reaching the desired landing, you can go for a typewriter and take for the heating of the seams. Further, it's small - process cuts, make out the belt and bottom. You can enjoy a new clothes!

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