How to sew skirt sun

How to sew skirt sun

Skirt Sun is one of the easiest in sewing. For its manufacture, you do not need to learn from courses and build complex patterns. In this article we will look at the technology of sewing skirts Sun.

To begin with, decide on the number of fabric. This value directly depends on your parameters and the length of the product. Measure the waist girth and determine the length of the product. Calculate the radius for building a circle. For this waist girth divide on 6 and take away 1. The resulting number will allow you to make a round neckline for the waist. Length and width of the square for sewing skirts are equal to each other. To calculate the length of the tissue, multiply the skirt length to 2 and add a diameter that is calculated by multiplying the radius by 2. As a result, if your waist is 60 cm, and the length of the skirt is 45 cm, then for sewing it is necessary to take a segment of the fabric with the parties 108 cm. It is very good, since you do not have to acquire two tissue lengths. On average, the width of matter is 120-140 cm.

Now, from a piece of fabric that you purchased, cut the square, with the sides of 108 cm. Fold the canvas in half, and then twice again. Connect the sides by pins. Now from the center of the canvas, measure the radius + length of the product. The center of matter is an angle in which the fabric was folded. Secure thread at this point and measure the radius length + skirt length. In this place, tie a chalk or soap. Now simply draw a part of the circumference by moving the chalk tied to thread. Do not deploy fabric. Cut the circle in the drawing. This is the edge of the product.

In order to cut a hole for the waist, measure the dinus of the radius and tie to the thread chalk. Follow the circle. This will be the belt line. Cut the marked sector and expand the fabric. To make it possible to wear a product, ride a segment for lightning. On average, the lightning length for the skirt is 15 cm. But if your hips are very broad, then take the lightning of greater length.

Measure the length of the rectangle for manufacturing the belt, waist circumference equal to + 5 cm. The width of the belt depends on your desire. Now in vogue wide belts. The length of cut for the manufacture of belts of the flap, which was formed during the manufacture of the square in the very beginning. Fold the belt in half and prostrochite it. Remove the resulting "tube" and pat it. Neaten edge of the skirt and overlock Sew the zipper. After this, sew belt and attach a button or button. The bottom of the product can be decorated with lace.

How to sew skirt sun

You do not want to sew a zipper and want to wear a skirt with a loose sweater? Then we can simplify the task and make a skirt with an elastic band. To do this, take a segment of tissue 10-15 cm longer than the previous one. Edge products are made in the same way as in the first embodiment. The only difference is in the amount of the second hole. In the first case, it was equal to the circumference of the waist. Since lightning is not necessary to sew, but the skirt must pass freely through the hips or shoulders, the hole will be wider than the belt. To determine the length of the radius, measure the hips. Divide this number by 6 and subtract 1. 90 Hips radius length will be equal to 14 cm. Now draw a line on the folded fabric and cut circle. Try a skirt, you should feel free to wear it. Now just treat the bottom of the product. On the belt turn in the skirt of 1-2 cm and sostrochite edge. Pull the elastic and sew the edges. The skirt is ready.

How to sew skirt sun

Additional skirt belt-sash. It helps to hide the elastic. But as now in vogue free svitshoty, the gum is still not to be seen. If desired, the product can be decorated with ribbons and sequins.

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