How to sew bunny

How to sew bunny

Soft toys stitched with their own hands can be an excellent talisman or a gift for a loved one. Unlike shop, independently made bunnies, bears or kittens carry a piece of soul and the warmth of their creator. To sew a bunny for a child as a gift, you will need a little cloth, inspiration and fantasy. There are many options for toy bunnies - you can make a funny hare from the sock or on the pattern of soft knitwear, at night I sleep on a flat-pillow-pillow.

To sew a real hare on the pattern and in clothes, prepare:

  • Bunny body fabric;
  • Material for the inside of the ears;
  • Bunny cloth;
  • Threads in tone;
  • Filler for packing;
  • Paper for pattern;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Needles, scissors;
  • Eye beads, accessories for decoration;
  • Threads for embroidery.

First, decide how much your bunny will be, and how it will look. On a sheet of paper, we draw a pattern for body parts, or you can find on the Internet and print it. Most often it is necessary to draw and cut such details - the head and torso bunny, foot, ear. We impose them on the fabric and supply a small or pencil. The fabric is suitable any, the easiest to sew a bunny of knitwear, fleece or any pulling fabrics. From Citz, flax, cotton can also be done toy, but these fabrics are more dense, it is necessary to leave points on the seams.

I cut 2 parts for the bunny body, 2 - for the head, 8 - for the paws. The ears will be manufacturing as follows: 2 parts made of basic fabric and 2 of the other bright. We descend and stitch the body torso, head, leaving a small hole for packing in the neck area. We cross the paws, ears, all items need to be turned out and fill with the filler, it is best suited to a syntheps, syntputs or hallofiber. The ears can not be stuffing, but you can not fade completely, giving them a flat shape. Paws and head bunny Vibe enough tightly, and stomach - on the contrary, make softer. Now you make a head to the body, to her - ears, to the body - the paws. You can additionally sew a tail for a bunny - a small ball.

We draw up a bunnie bunnie - the trick of the eye of the beads, or you can buy ready-made plastic eyes for toys. Nose and mouth with pink threads Moulin, give a habit of a cheerful or sad expression. You can wear a finished bunny, but you can only tie a ribbon on the neck. There is already a space for your fantasy - it can be a hare-boy or bunny girl. Sew the dress or pants, you can sew a vest, tie a scarf or takes. In the paws, a bunny can give a wicker basket or carrot, which is also easy to sew alone.

In addition to the bunny, stitched by pattern, there are simple ways to sew a toy from a striped baby sock. Also easily made flat hare-pillow on a simple pattern from one piece. She stitched with her hands, a cute cheerful bunny will delight your child, will help to fall asleep and become a favorite home toy.

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