Case from felt do it yourself

Case from felt do it yourself

Work with felt - a pleasure. The soft material is pleasant to the touch, well holds its shape. Manufacture of felt nice pouch for a mobile phone or tablet. It reliably protects equipment from damage and will be a beautiful accessory. Fashioned from felt cheholchik spectacle. Soft carrying case will not be damaged points with a possible fall.

Bag of felt for mobile phone

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • felt in two colors for case and kitten silhouette. For example, white and brown. Need still felt or other material of any color for the application;
  • scissors;
  • glue "Moment";
  • needle, pencil, paper;
  • colored thread floss, glass beads, beads, pieces of tape - to decorate the cover. The choice of material depends on the chosen decoration. We will do to cover funny kitten silhouette.

Getting to the manufacture of the felt cover:

  • make a pattern. Phone put on paper and trace its contours with a pencil. By width of the mobile device, add 2-3 cm in allowance. Bigger in size than the mobile phone, the more allowance. Out of the narrow case is inconvenient to remove the phone. Cut with scissors paper the pattern;
  • put the paper the pattern on a piece of dark felt. Cut with scissors 2 parts of matter;
  • make the pattern cat silhouette. Draw it on paper;
  • attach a pattern to felt light, circle pencil and cut it out. Pink ears and a dark muzzle make from the remnants of dense material or leather. Details glue on the silhouette, black floss Kitten embroider eyes and pink - mouth;
  • from a dense fabric of any color oval cut. It should be a little more cat silhouette. Glue the silhouette of a kitten on an oval adhesive;
  • make a small bow of narrow ribbon. Pre Opal lighter lace edge, so as not to crumble. Sew bow at the kitten's neck and attach the beads from above. Ready silhouette kitten glue to the front of the cover, or sew bright thread;
  • two parts of the cover fold together and sew threads into the tone of the product with a looped seam. The original felt cover for the mobile phone is ready.

Instead of a kitten, at will, make a decoration in the form of three hearts or other appliqué. All your fantasy.

Picture 2.

Felt Case for Tablet

Prepare the felt for the base of the tablet case, felt for decorating another color, cotton material, sticky tape, needle and threads under the color of the material.

We start a master class:

  • transfer to the paper the size of the tablet. Cut from felt for the base two identical elements. The same parts cut out of cotton, but they must be slightly less;
  • fold inside the face of the cotton and felt parts and push on one side on the typewriter. From the edge of 5.5 cm.
  • for the valve cut the rectangle of the required size from the felt of another color. Fold it in half and sew. From the side of the inner sewing a piece of sticky ribbon - it will be a fastener for a case;
  • all finished details of the case fold the front side inside and sew. Case Remove, and the check valve. Decorate the finished product with any applique.

Picture 3.

Felt Case for Points

From the dark color of the felt cut 2 billets on the necessary size of the cover. Rear blank Make long. It will be located slots for the button. From white felt, too, take two similar details. To the billets, visiting or glue decor elements.

Sewing white and colored parts with each other, then sew the front and back of the case. Cut the slot for the button and sew it. Instead of buttons, if desired, use velcro.

Picture 4.

Felt covers are not like shopping cases. They are unique and unique. It is pleasant to work with the felt and easily and on the manufacture of a simple cover you will have no more than an hour.

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