Gift grandmother's birthday with your own hands

Gift grandmother's birthday with your own hands

"Grandma", how much heat in this word. It makes kindness, love and home comfort from him. They are such constantly engaged in the housework, trying to make it so that everyone is good. Grandmothers are not waiting for gifts, and they themselves are constantly trying to please their native warm socks, then a book, then candy. So please and you, make them a birthday gift with your own hands.

Braided rug for grandmother's birthday with your own hands

You need to prepare:

  • For the base, a dense rug.
  • Multicolored trimming fabrics.
  • Scissors.
  • Black threads.
  • Glue for fabric.
  • Water repellent and protective coating.
  • Adhesive tape.

All materials are collected, you can proceed to work:

  • Decide with the size of the future rug. After you can cut the base.
  • Cooked fabrics cut or raise hands on strips.
  • Now you can weave the pigtails from the strips, the ends fasten the adhesive tape.
  • Finished braids need to be ground.
  • Purge the edge of the pigtail on the edge of the pigtail, capturing each stitches.
  • Remove the adhesive tape, cut the bachrom on each side.
  • For the rug longer served, it must be soaked in water-repellent sprays. Do it better outdoors.


Case for glasses grandmother on birthday with your own hands

Glasses - such an accessory that is constantly lost somewhere. So that your grandmother does not spend your time on their search, give her a case. His she will definitely not lose, because this is a gift to his beloved granddaughter or grandson.

For the manufacture you will need:

  • White cardboard.
  • Buttons, sequins, beads, beads - all you have at home.
  • Tape or ribbon.
  • Glue and scissors.

Now you can make a case. For this:

  • From cardboard Cut the rectangle, 12 × 16 size.
  • Shill the cylinder from the rectangle, to do this, roll the rectangle into the tube and glue along the long side.
  • Cut the circle from the cardboard with a diameter of 4 cm, stick it to the cylinder ends and you will get the bottom of the case. You can do everything easier, from which the future gift will have no less attractive look, just fold the end of the cylinder in half, two halves glue each other.
  • Shoot the color paper on the cylinder or color it with paints.
  • Now you can stick the ribbon, after decorate the case of buttons, sequins or beads.

Needle grandmother's birthday

Materials that you need:

  • Glass jar.
  • Two types of fabric - for top and for the side.
  • A piece of dense cardboard.
  • Universal glue.
  • A little syntheps.

We start making a gift:

  • Severe a circle fabric from one piece, the diameter of which will be twice as the diameter of the lid.
  • Cut the circle from cardboard, the same diameter as the lid. Put the cardboard circle over the synthe tour, then cut the earlier fabric, tighten the hole to the meal, secure the thread.
  • The resulting pad is glued to the lid, which is better to pre-sing sandpaper.
  • Now prepare the side, it should be tough. Soft fabric can be strengthened with dublerin or phlizelin. Get the finished sideboard on the side of the lid.
  • The finished needle is left to decorate. To do this, you can use beads, artificial flowers, bows, laces, and all that is near Babushka-Birthday.

Here are such wonderful gifts you can make your own hands and please my grandmother so that she knew what it would value and love. They are made simply, time to work will be quite a bit, so we boldly create and delight your grandmothers.

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