Snowman modeling is one of the favorite streets of all children and even adults. In winter, almost every street is decorated with these funny round little men. Make a New Year's beautiful snowmen possible at home. A fascinating process and a stunning result will delight all family members, including even the smallest.
How to make a snowman with your own hands. Snow Snowman
What you need
To independently make a snowman at home, you will need the following tools and accessories:
- white sock;
- sugar either rice;
- threads with a needle;
- scissors;
- glue;
- woolen threads or threads Moulin;
- toothpick;
- red marker;
- various decorative elements: beads, ribbons, buttons.
The process of manufacturing a snowman of the sock
- First, cut the sock as it is shown in the picture.
- Next, fill the solid part of the sock sugar to get a small bag. Well typted threads of the resulting bag with sugar.
- Now you need to form a snowman caller. To do this, take the threads and reinforce the snowman so that the body and head come out.
- Lico snowman. To do this, take the toothpick and cut off a small piece from it, which will serve as a snowman nose. Welder fasten with conventional PVA glue. Eye beads or buttons. Silver with a thread with a needle, and drew a radiant smile with a red felt-tip pen. Snowman is almost ready, it remains to decorate it!
Making a snowman hat
- To the snowman acquired a finished look, you need to decorate it. To do this, make a hat from the remaining part of the sock. It is very simple to do it. To do this, tie one part of the sock with threads and remove it to the other side. Cap is ready.

- If desired, the hat can be decorated with pompon. To make it, you need not regret the threads, to wind them into several fingers. Tinging Rutch Moulin in the middle and form a pompon from them. Make a magnificent pompon can also be in another way. To do this cut out a small hoop from cardboard. Pretty wrap the threads around the hoop and cut them as shown in the photo. Form the Pompon and enter it to a pre-prepared hat.
Snowman decoration
- The finished snowman needs to decorate so that he acquires a more festive and New Year's view. To do this, you can use various rhinestones, decorative ribbons and even ordinary Mishur. Stick to the body of a snowman several stratmen, symbolizing buttons, insulate it with a scarf or make him a beautiful bow.
- You can even sew a warm blouse or fur coat for it.
How to make a snowman with your own threads
Another pretty simple version of the manufacture of a snowman at home - a snowman from threads!
Surely each of you is familiar with the technique of making decorative balls from threads and plow glue. It is from such balls and a future snowman will consist. In order to make such a snowman, you will need:
- a pair of balloons;
- cotton white threads;
- pVA glue;
- needle;
- any decorative accessories for decoration.
Manufacturing process
- Inflate two balloons to the sizes you need. Remember that one of them will serve as a future snowman, and the other will be his tales.
- I am good to impregnate the threads with glue and wrap two balloons with them.
- Leave the balls wrapped with threads to dry up to complete drying. It is best to leave them for the night.
- After that, neatly pour the ball balls with a needle and remove their residues.
- From the remaining frame from the threads make a snowman. To do this, you need to make two of these balls from the threads with the help of PVA glue. Snowman ready! It remains to make him face. To do this, you can use buttons, threads, markers and colored paper, with which you can make a snowman mouth, nose and eyes.
Snowman decoration from threads
It will not be quite right in this form of a snowman, so do it with decoration. To do this, you can use any decorative elements, ranging from ordinary buttons and ending with Christmas Mishur. You can sew a cute cap from felt for him, and you can buy ready.
Even a child can cope with the manufacture of such snowmen, so you can safely attract your children to this exciting and useful lesson!